So, first of all, I totally forgot about Billie's birthday. Until about 4 minutes past midnight. Seriously. I sat down at the comp at 00:04, and suddenly I realized that I'd forgotten. Oops. So, uh, Happy (belated omg) Birthday Billie? I guess.
Anyway. I had a science test on Friday, I have one tomorrow on International Relations (yeah, I know. It's pretty much as boring as it sounds. But see, the thing is, it could probably be really interesting with a better teacher. Meh), then a music test either this week or next, and a math test next week. Plus 3 flute concerts next week. And some other homework omg.
I have a cold. Meh. I went home early from school partly because of that and partly because of said test tomorrow that I have to study for, and, well, since I didn't really need to do anything in the 2 classes I had left... Yeah.
House M.D. Season 2 (which I don't own yet), probably season 1 again
Scrubs Season 4
ER Season 4, 4*, 5, (+ 6 & 7 which, again, I don't own yet. Ahem.)
Angel Season 3, 4, 5
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 6 & 7
Firefly Season 1 + Serenity
Coupling At least season 4 (again, don't own yet), possibly 1, 2, 3 too
Jeeves & Wooster 1, 2, 3, 4 (don't own)
A Bit of Fry and Laurie 1, 2, 3, 4 (don't own)
*This is totally right. I still haven't watched all of it on DVD the first time, and I'm on the second viewing. Because of some slight OCD-ish tendencies, I can't just watch it once and be done with that. Ahem.
And I think that's about it. ETA: Also, the reason there are so many that I don't own is because of my birthday on Sunday. Woot. Hoping for DVDs or money. xp
Changeling. Read it. It = win.
I'm thinking of changing my journal layout a little. The font colour is a bit dark, and I'm in a House/Wilson-ish mood, anyway. ("You're giving two craps." ~ "The metric system always confuses me.") We'll see what happens.
Other than that... Not much going on.
*headdesk* Except, you know, my 17th birthday on Sunday. Forgot about that.
...Ok, I'm done now. So much love though. <3
Q out.