Dec 08, 2011 20:26
Buggering fuck this.
I'm heading home in a couple of days, but the problem is that I'm the last one of my friends to be leaving. I'm flying on the 17th of december, and everyone's leaving on the 13/14/15/16th. I know it's silly of me, but it terrifies me. Getting to the train station alone. I've to get up a fucking hill with a main bag, a laptop bag, and a purse. Changing a train at newcastle. Getting to the airport. Checking in. Alone. I've never done it before. Not once. I know, I know, I'm 19. High time, and all. But. *shrug*.
I mean. I want to go home. But... what if I've got the wrong docs? What if my luggage gets lost? Oh god, my notes... What if I lose my *notes*. I'll just *die*. Buggering fuck.
Also, don't know if I mentioned, but I got attacked by a flying metal tray straight out of the oven. I now have a BAMF scar on my arm, and it's gone this angry red colour. I think my mum will flip.
I hope I get well before I have to travel. I don't think I can stand being headachey and sniffly all through out a fuck, how many hours is that? 25 hour flight-journey? Fuck that. 8 hours from newcastle to dubai, and then 8 hours from dubai to singapore-how the fuck is that 25 hours? oh shit. I think they're going to do a surprise drop at colombo, or something. Buggerfuck this.
and i can't seem to make myself study. i don't know, i'm beat. and my head won't quit hurting. house hunting is going relatively well. we've found a house which five of us likes instantly, and one of us thinks she could warm to. I'm willing to sign for this baby, right fucking now. just. we might have a little issue chosing bedrooms. everyone wants to be on the second floor. FUCK. we need a house. and this one is perfect. Just. I hope it works out.
Also. My weird dreams are back, with a vengence. The same ones as before. In which I'm a boy, kissing boys. I keep waking up crying.
life lessons,
my odd gender identity,
luck wishing necessary,
feeling old,
sucky rl is sucky,
i'll miss everyone,
insane insanity,
fucking fuckity fuckery