Title: Gotta Get With My Friends
obsession_incFandom: Crossover between The Office and Angel (well, general Buffyverse).
Pairing/characters: Kelly, Harmony
Word Count: 4,000-ish
Rating: PG
Summary: Kelly needs a vacation in L.A. after getting dumped by Ryan.
Spoilers: Through the end of Season 3 for The Office and the end of the full series for
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- LOL at Kelly encouraging "frocks" because that is Mindy's favorite thing in the world.
- Heeee to all the subtle vampire nods for Harmony -- it must be so tragic for her never to look at herself in a mirror!
- Word to their stupid mean boys. Seriously, they suck.
- Lorne gets his own bullet point! :) :)
- AHAHA to their revenge upon Ryan -- I literally paused to anticipate the capslocky hilarity. I wish this was TV so we could have one brilliant shot of Ryan listening to his phone message, and then making the same face that he did after Stanley yelled at him in "Take Our Daughters to Work Day."
- GIRLSLASH. Kelly is the easiest person to girlslash ever, I swear, because of COURSE it's just like it was back in college. And you know there was always a hint of Harm/Cordy in there.
In conclusion, now I want cranberry and midoris, and when I saw the title I plugged "spice girls" into iTunes and discovered only four songs and no "Wannabe." Attempting to remedy this, I dug through my MP3 folder and found... an entire folder named "Spice Girls," where I found three more songs I hadn't added. *shame*
Also in conclusion, I am a very lucky wench. Next time I drunk-post, please take advantage of me in a similar fashion, though I can't promise such stellar results.
And thank you, thank you, because I am so happy about this whole thing. It's been the kind of experience that makes me love writing all over again, because I've spent so long trying to plan things that I forget that my best writing comes out of just running full-speed into a story and tripping over things as they come up. The reflections, for example; I had already written the thing about Kelly checking herself out before it hit me that Harmony wouldn't have a reflection (doi!). The continuing "psychic" thing (of COURSE they both think they are and would believe the other is). Kelly's love of her job is something that I've pondered before, having seen it on the show, but it wasn't until I was in the middle of that scene that I realized that Harmony would want something new-- and it wasn't until I had already put together the REVENGE scenario that it occurred to me that there were a few vengeance demon slots open, and that it meshed really well with Kelly's job description. Your drink suggestion brought on the new twist on how Lorne uses his talents, and Kelly's need for balancing the sweet and the sour. And I flipped frantically through my iTunes at the last minute to see what I had on my Kellylicious playlist before I found the Spice Girls and voila, title.
The girlslash: I DID NOT MEAN TO DO THAT. I swear to God. I got to the last paragraph and tried, very hard, three or four times, to get out of this story without having them kiss, and it felt unfinished and sad every time, so I just said the hell with it and went for the big gay Hollywood ending. There WAS always a hint of Harm/Cordy, and since I moved Kelly into the Cordy slot for the purposes of this story, it just happened, all by itself; they just kept grabbing hands and hugging and leaning on each other and I just, what the hell. I'm still kind of stunned at this.
I never did get Spike in here, but I like this ending better. WHO NEEDS THEM STINKY BOYS, right?
Next time I drunk-post, please take advantage of me in a similar fashion, though I can't promise such stellar results.
I will be there with BELLS ON. Oh yes. I think 30 Rock may be involved in some way.
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