Title: Waking Expectations
Pairing/Character: Pam/Roy
Rating: PG-13 for a few F-bombs.
Spoilers: Through Business School
Author's note: Many thanks to my lovely beta readers,
allthingsholy and
sophia_helix, who gave up their Saturday night for this. Ladies: you're the best.
He's fooled himself so often with dreams that he's wary of waking up happy. )
Oh, PAM. I felt so bad for her during "Business School", because I think we all assumed somehow that once she took that step and went to art classes, she'd be good, and never thought to think that since Pam holds back and is so timid, that her personality would become a problem in developing her art. I think maybe it never occurred to her, either, and that since it seemed like such a huge step and taking such a big chance just to get herself out there and taking classes...
Same thing with what she expected (and we expected!) after she left Roy. She took these huge steps of calling off the wedding and breaking it off with Roy, and moving out and living on her own... and it's like she expected something to happen after that, with Jim, but she didn't realize how much more she'd have to do to make that happen. I think all of that is really crashing in on her now, and really doing a number on her self-esteem-- because, really, looking in a mirror and figuring out that you're not brave and that this is fucking over your life? It has to just wreck a person. (Er. Some of my own issues may be leaking over.)
So glad you liked it! Thank yoooou!
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