I got a Facebook

Apr 13, 2009 17:01

Wow, I just got a Facebook account. I feel kinda like a sell-out. But whatever. God, I haven't posted on here in forever. It's Spring Break and I'm just chilling out. I'm going to my friend's b-day party on Thursday and I'll stay over so that we can go prom dress shopping in the morning. It's going to be really fun. Or at least I hope it will. There's not much that's been going on. Just school, rehearsal, the usual. I'm the ASM for Doubt. It's turning out to be really fun. We have these long involved chats about nothing in paticular. Some of them are sooo funny. (Like, for instance, Do nuns wear underwear?) And the on-topic discussions are fun as well since I love to hear about religion. Since I got a Facebook it's like all of my old friends are coming from the wood work. It's strange. I had a detailed conversation with Sam Jones. We didn't really talk that much at Weaver. Isn't that weird? But now I'm more connected and that's probably why I didn't want an account. I don't think I want to be so connected. I feel exposed. There are things that I don't want Glass kids to see and there are things I don't want Weaver kids to see and now they're smashed together and I don't know what to do. After this day, where I did a whole lot on Facebook, I'll probably forget about it. It's a different person that's at EC Glass right now and the one that was at Weaver and I'm not sure I want people to compare stories. And I have no idea which one to be on Facebook. Anominyty has been destroyed. I don't like it. But there you are... It's good to come on here again.

facebook, ramble

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