Feb 09, 2007 02:55
So, I'm obviously still not sleeping. I have started being hungry again and am no longer on the constant verge of tears and/or staring zombie-like into the distance. Okay, scratch that. I was in a bar on Wednesday night and someone was trying to get my attention for, like, a half hour and when I went over to say hi, he said, "I thought you were looking at me, but you were staring over my head the whole time." Ooops.
In a nutshell
- Parents are still leaving on the rv adventure, however the date they are actually leaving keeps changing. Yesterday, they were leaving early next week. Today, they had a fight over whether to leave this Sunday. Tonight, I was told next Sunday. They have no idea.
- Have started planning in earnest for Texas. QUESTION for any of you travellers/Texans - Is it crazy or just completely out of the question to do the following?
* Houston - drive in Sunday night, Houston stuff Monday
* Stay somewhere in between H-D Monday night?
* Dallas - drive in early Tuesday, stay until Wednesday am
* Austin - drive in Wednesday, stay until Thursday lunch
* San Antonio - Thursday
* TX border/Mexico - Friday
* San Antonio - Saturday, leave Sunday late am
I could also probably fly from Houston to Dallas? Or from New Orleans to Austin and make that the central point? I have no idea. Argh. I don't know what to do and I want to do it all, so that's the problem. Plus there's the additional issue that I always think that driving is romantic and exciting - you never know what you might find - but then when I'm doing it, I get bored, lost, tired, etc. *sigh*
- Way behind on tv, watched Lost, but couldn't keep my mind on it; have to watch it again this weekend. Didn't watch Grey's yet, but sounds like it was a doozy. Earl cracked me up beyond belief tonight and Office made me feel really uncomfortable with all of Michael's outbursts tonight, but it was supposed to, right?
Gilmore was good this week and felt a little less forced than some of the previous eps. VM has almost lost me again for this season - that show I always start with good intentions, watch religiously, and then around ep 10, I lose all momentum. Dirt, 2 eps behind, waiting for the finale. *wink* HIMYM didn't even resonate; I couldn't pay attention enough, will watch over weekend. Class, definitely can take or leave. Po'ed that ABC didn't leave their Sunday lineup intact even though they showed commercials that indicated that they would - totally would have watched that over the SB.
- OH, on that last note...I have not one problem with two men kissing. BUT I feel like I was the only one that thinks that Snickers commercial was a little creepy? I mean, how would that EVER happen? I know that commercials aren't exactly supposed to be real life, but still? Are you chomping on candy bars when you're working in the garage? And what would possess another person to try to eat said candy bar at the same time? REALLY?!?! I'm sure it was just me, haha.
pop culture,
all me