Jan 30, 2007 01:18
I'm kinda scared to say this because once it's out there, karma comes back and gets you, ya know?
After everything last week and the ensuing decision that we were both mean and horrible people, I think we're actually better/stronger than we were about a month ago.
Other than that, the weather here has been cold and ick. My skin is dry and itchy and I felt like my eyeball was going to fall out earlier. I even had to take out my contact for about an hour and just in case you weren't aware, I cannot see 2 feet in front of me without said contact. So, it was very 'Pirates of the Carribean' for that hour [use of one eye only].
I was too tired to exercise today and that does not come close to explaining why I am still up right now. Huh. I should be sleeeeeeeeping.
Tomorrow, I should go skiing because I have this Tuesday night ski pass thing, but tonight's 19 degree (F) weather did not make me feel all pysched to go out tomorrow (well technically today). We'll see, I guess.
Superbowl on Sunday. Not sure what I'm doing. I'm not altogether sure if I want to be in Casper's crowd for that. We don't exactly run in the same circles. Not that that's a bad thing... Anyway, I have some invites of my own that I think I would be more fun for me. Still hate Manning with a passion, but I'm not particularly sold on the Bears either, so I don't know if I really even care about the game. Hmmm. Wonder who will have the best/most food? :)
all me