So I stole this meme from
ghosts because she taaaagggged me, and I will always respond to tagging. Just like elementary school. "You're it!" Whatever it's late and I'm tired.
The rules are to just list 10 things that recently made you happy, then tag 10 people of your own and force them to put these memes up.
1. Watching Bruce Willis movies and totally falling in hearts wif him because he's awesome. Like the new Die Hard (which i'm watching RIGHT. THIS. SECOND.) and The Last Boy Scout, of course, and even the Look Who's Talking movies, because baby Bruce Willis is one thousand percent adorable.
2. Hanging out with Joe at the diner and smoking cigarettes. Because the diner is fun, and Joseph (or broseph, as I sometimes refer to my head) is my best friend and I love him like whoa. I made him watch Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and then he went and ordered it on amazon immediately. Also we hang around my house and play board games, watching National Lampoon's Last Resort (WORST. MOVIE. EVER.) and silly videos on youtube.
3. RDJ vidoes on youtube, lol. "You can win 20 dollars in 20 seconds." *snatch* "You can't just TAKE it!" Joe and I like to go, "Who would you go gay for?...What the HELL are you talking about?" all the time since we've seen that one.
4. As much as I don't completely like my job, scooping ice cream, 'plating' it, and communicating orders on slips is the closest I'll get to fulfilling my Hell's Kitchen wet dreams. When I got yelled at once, I almost said, "Yes chef!" and kept going. Also I like watching Hell's Kitchen. (WHO ELSE LOVES THAT JEN AND MATT ARE GONE? SERIOUSLY FUCK THOSE GUYS.)
5. Watching Back to School a lot. And then capping it. And then making icons that make me laugh from capping it. And then showing the caps and/or icons I made to people and squeeing over RDJ before he got his teeth fixed. SERIOUSLY THEY WERE
SO CUTE. (okay that's from weird science but you get the drift.)
6. Talking to
pipry23 again, and having a good ol' fashioned squee fest about RDJ (me) and Canadian Idol (her) and talking about how she is from CRAZY OL' CANADA and what it would be like if she came to the STATES. And how I don't know what poutine ("how do you pronounce that?") is, and she doesn't know what american cheese ("is it cheddar?") is. I missed our chats!
7. Having the ladies (and menfolk? are there menfolk?) over at
kkissbbang be really understanding about me not meeting my challenge deadlines because I'm a shitty slacker. Also, having other people be better than me at deadlines, so I have some good Kiss Kiss Bang Bang slash to read.
8. Having the reason I can't meet those deadlines be because I've got this epic Back to School slash fic idea in my brain, and I'm slowly trying to write it. IT'S SO EPIC, FOR SERIOUS. Mmmmmm Derek/Jason. You know you want it! (Also I had a dream that Jason (keith gordon) was living with me and some kids i went to high school with in a big brother type house, and that i totally had a crush on him or something. weird. he's actually sorta cute, though.) Also, not caring abotu whether or not anyone will actually read it. Even if it's just for me, i'm happy :)
9. Reading other people's epic slash in fandoms like Real Genious (mitch/chris! i didn't think it existed!) Die Hard (mcclane/justin long...i know, it sounds fucked up, but when it's done RIGHT mcclane can still be a badass), Iron Man (okay, so that's normally pepper/tony, but i've read some tony/jarvis and even some tony/pepper/jarvis, and again, when it's done RIGHT it's pretty freaking awesome) and of course, Hot Fuzz.
10. Screwin' around on my lappy. Whether it's downloading movies, music, fucking with my iTunes (i'm trying to get correct album names and artwork for al my music), downloading new mashups, chillin' on the forum boards, facebooking, icon-making, movie-capping, writing or what, I love my laptop SO. FREAKING. MUCH. And the internet makes staying up 'til 4 in the morning even though you have work tomorrow night (hey it's at six so fuck it) totally worth it. I LOVE YOU INTERNET.
Edit: Also, I'm totally adding the moment in RDJ's song "Broken" when the music kinda stops and he goes, "I don't save days," because it makes me melt like mint chocolate chip ice cream (I DON'T KNOW WHY BUT IT MELTS SUPERFAST). However, this happy fact might be cancelled out by the fact that I found out I was hearing one of my favorite RDJ lyrics wrong. Apparently it isn't "Sounds like October / A Futurist knows", because that would, oh i don't know...make sense. It's "Sounds like October / A Futurist nose". I don't get it at all, RDJ, I'm sorry. Athough what I thought was "I won't step foot in that raffle again" is actually "I won't step foot in that rat hole again", in 'Man Like Me' which does make more sense, actually. I really should devote a whole post to this album. And maybe some other ones *muses*. 'Cause I just thought about 8 more things I should say. NEXT POST, PEOPLE.
Also, I forgot to tag ten people. I TAG:
thatjamiegirl (because you especially need to think happy thoughts not about houses...),
dj_intheuk and whoever else would like to do it :D
Okay, so maybe I lied about my next entry being real powerpacked. But heyyy, I'm too long-winded for my own good, normally. Ugh, I should probably be asleep because I have work tomorrow night, but whatever. I don't have to work tuesday or wednesday which will be good. And thursday and friday I work during the day, because I think i'm being trained on server stuff already! It's going to be pretty scary, because i've never done waitressing or anything before. Hopefully I won't fuck up too badly. Timothy Olyphant looks kinda like a girl in the new Die Hard movie. At some points. He's got a girly mouth. Whatever. Eh, I should stop talking and post more lol!RDJ pictures, haha. I still have almost an hour left of Die Hard to watch! If my prose is slightly off, it's because I'm being distracted by explosions, how sexy Bruce Willis is, and the poor acting skills of Justin Long. God he's awful. MMmmmm, homoerotic cop films. Bruce Willis just told Justin Long to "stick it in there, ugh, mmmmm, just stick it in there, kid." YEAH, BONE YOU TWO. HOORAY FOR BUDDY COP FLICKS SERIOUSLY.
Alright, I'm off to watch the rest of Live Free or Die Hard. I'm choosing to Live Free, personally. If living free might involve getting to bone Bruce Willis at some point. Mmmmmm, bruce willis.