Do you all know what day it is? Why, it's MATT STONE'S BIRTHDAY.
And in honor of the anniversary of the birth of the glorious Mr. Matthew Richard Stone, keeper of the glorious ass, once master of the Jewfro, raspy ex-smoking Jew of the sex god variety, I've finally decided to dump all of the icons I've been storing up since like, I started liking Matt and Trey, basically.
So (drumroll pleeeaaasseee) behind this cut, there are ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY SEVEN ICONS and NINE colorbars. I realize now I should have counted and made it past the two hundred marker. But if you add them both together you do! And you can all realize how pathetic I am :D
I'm sure that at a later date there will be many more icons. I still haven't touched Cannibal or Team America yet, and I need to re-cap Orgazmo. Maybe I'll save them up for a big ol' dump on Trey's birthday. Hmmmmm.
Anyway, please: Look and enjoy! And uh, Thanks for being born Matt Stone!
Okay, so you've seen all of these before. I just wanted to have everything all up in one page, ya know? Also, incase you missed 'em the first time. But these next ones are the NEW Baseketball icons I've made. Hooray!
(The kiss is supposed to be blue and green like Stan and Kyle. That was me being created. Also, I animated those Remer psyche-out icons from before. I think it's funnier that way. (Incidentally, the "i can't do this shit" part in BASEketball makes me laugh every god damn time.)
I like to do variations a lot. It makes it seem like I have more than I do :P And yes,
thatjamiegirl, the Stonker one is specifically for you. I don't know if you can tell, but at the bottom it says "Big money, no whammies!"
...I thought it was funny. And I apologize for the "o rly" one. I couldn't help myself.
This batch contains one of Squeak's finest moments. It's funny, I had to go back and cap the movie again because I remembered there were girls in this movie. That's why there's a couple Jenny and Yasmine icons. 'Cause Jenny McCarthy is the shit. Also, I know that's not the exact quote for the last animated one, but I thought it worked well. I didn't feel like making it be like, 80 frames.
The Happy Dance...still, one of the most theraputic things to do when you're angry. Seriously, try it. And the giggle moment in the hospital, well, I've probably watched that part over and over almost as much as the make-out scene. Which is really saying something. And the FIGHT one has a sweet story behind it: When I was in mexico, my friends kept saying they wanted to do tequila shots at the bar, and I didn't want to. I told them I'd only do one, and only if we all pointed at the TV above the bar and yelled 'FIGHT FIGHT' before we took the shot. And we did. It was TOTALLY AWESOME. /endwhyi'maloser
The Blood Orgy one is a direct reference to Woodland Critter Christmas. And Matt and Trey hug a lot in this movie. I never really noticed that before I went back to cap the second time. I'm certainly not complaining, though.
The "Mourning the Loss" one was one I wanted to do for awhile. I really like that part. And uh, on the first three in the second row, I was going for the feel of those motivational posters. And the last one is one I animted before, but with a really shitty program. I got a better one, therefore the quality is a lot better.
Soooo there we go. That's the last of the BASEketball ones. For the three above, you can pick one based on whether you think Matt and Trey are just two guys, are two best friends, or are two friends with benefits. We all know I'm leaning towards the last one.
I like the way most (but not all) of these came out. I think the badass one might be my favorite from this bunch. Criminey a close second. Anyways, incase you were wondering, the one of Matt is from the dvd easter eggs, where he "congratulates" you for finding the Egg by calling you a big cheese.
Depeche Mode is the shit. I actually just found this mashup of "Just can't Get Enough" and the Beastie Boys' "Ch-check it out". It's simply AMAZING. Just IM or email me if you'd be interested in hearing it, and i'd be glad to send it to you. Also, for your viewing enjoyment, Ron Jeremy's big scary face. I love that man.
Seriously, fuck Dickens. And I think the Jesus one is priceless. But I'm probably bias because I made it.
This is my attempt to show everyone how uh, romantic that a movie about Mormon porno is. Also, you know, incase Dave the lighting guy and Sancho are your OTP or something. It happens.
Happy Tarts represent. Also, just gonna point out: I think that first picture of Trey is one of the hottest pictures of him in the whole movie. Incase you were wondering. So that's it for the Orgazmo icons. It's really hard to cap that movie because so much of it is really dark, and then nothing comes out well when you shrink it down adn shit. I was going to make a color bar until I realized I hadn't capped most of the characters. Infact, most of the caps I took are of the different facial expressions Trey makes. Because I mean, hot damn, that fucker is mad hot in this movie. For seriously.
Okay, okay, those "Matt looks too good in drag" icons are kinda shitty. But that doesn't make it any less TRUE. The second Matt one was actually supposed to be an improvement, but ended up kinda shittier. I don't know. And I fucking adore that scream picture. Matt kinda looks like he's gonna bite Trey's ear off. And the last icon is a Team America reference.
I can't even begin to tell you how much
these two
pictures baffle the shit out of me. Who would ask them to do that? Why would they do that? And why did they need to make it so homoerotic? Oh right, because they're god damn Matt Stone and Trey Parker and they're gayer than sweatervests. And uh, I think those other three are Matt's sexy face. Seriously. It will seduuuuce you. And the last two are from the 5th anniverasy special, which is fucking hilarious. Mayor McCheeeese.
I know it's hard to tell, but that's one of my favorite pictures of Matt :P I really like the way the last one in the first row came out. It was the first time I'd ever really tried anything fancy, so I was really proud of myself. Also, the lionface one makes me laugh everytime. I only wish I could find a "lemonface" picture to accompany it.
Um, yes. I know they're dorky, but I just like that picture. So that's it for the Random Matt and Trey ones. Most of the images came from the
shpadoinkle site or random google searches, incase I took a picture of yours and now you're pissed? Seriously though, I used to scour google images for pictures of the boys that I didn't already have while I was supposed to be working. Good times.
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Um, about the first three in the second row, I was listening to Cyndi Lauper's "True Colors" when I made them, which is why they say "Don't be afraid". And why one is rainbow. Also I think Stan was comforting Kyle or something. The picture's from the movie, towards the end. But yeah. Kyle in his underwear a la Risky Business? Awesomes.
I think the Emancipation joke is one of the most clever jokes the boys have ever written. Regardless of South Park or anything. I think you could tell that to anyone and they'd find it funny. Um, unless they thought you were a rasict, I guess. Le shrug. I think it's hilarious.
Okay, so those ones you've seen before. The last one is the one I mentioned I won third place for in a
__colorbarlove__ contest. But these next ones are, again, in honor of the birth Matt Stone.
So yeah. This took FUCKING FOREVER to set up, so comments (and of course credit) are much, much, much appreciated. Even if you just tell me they all suck ass. I'm down.
Enjoy Matt's birthday, everyone. Oh, and I guess memorial day weekend. And THE BRITT'S birthday is tomorrow, so we will be doing much fun things for that. My little lady will be 19! She's just growing up so fast!!! Oh, but guess what I figured out? You see, I'm a libra and the britt is a gemini, and we're the two most compatible signs together. We're super best friends, and her boyfriend is a libra too. So that means that MATT is a gemini, and therefore it would be most compatible if I dated matt stone. Yup yup. Oh, just so you don't think I'm super pathetic, I came to this conclusion from knowledge within my own brain. I'm not lame enough to go lookin' that shit up. I just thought it was interesting.
Oh, I also realized that I have a "type". it's apparently lanky guys with glasses, big noses, and interesting teeth and/or necks. There's Matt Stone (obviously), Jesse (who I dated for a little in 11th grade), Alex, Steve Burns, and John Linnell (who fits except for the nose thing, really). So yeah. Just an interesting thing I realized that I thought I'd share. I'ma go jump in the shower so my mom doesn't bitch at me.
Enjoy the icons, folks.