Irks and Quirks

Sep 17, 2010 22:47

It's been a couple of weeks since I posted on here. Nothing has really changed.  I have to travel for work next week.  Kinda bytes.   We're supposed to find out the sex of the baby on thursday, and Rizzisles is done until next summer.

Rizzoli and Isles - Who does not love this show?  Especially us shippers.  But seriously, if the subtext turned canon and there was an actual Jane/Maura hookup I might just have a heart attack.  For real.  I'm sure we would all love to see it happen (except for you few weirdos), but until it does, I'm gonna stick to my fanfic.  Can't wait til next summer.  Atleast we have Twitter.  Y'all should follow @JaneRizzoli and @MauraIsles and then add the rest as you go.

(Warning: Spoiler)
Pretty Little Liars - So I got hooked on the show.  I'm sure it has nothing to do with the teenage lesbian storyline. Nope... nothing... *cough*.  So I decided since the show cut of so rudely I was gonna get to the bottom of "A" and read the books.  Way different story. *spoilers* I'm on the 4th... or 5th book called "Wicked" and now my friendly neighborhood teenage lesbian is crushing on a guy.  And NOT JUST ANY GUY!  One that attends a christian school and plays in a christian rock band.  *sigh*  OH THE HORROR!  *whines* I want Maya back!

Other things going on:

Right this moment my cousin is out vandalizing a car.  Don't know why *shrug*.

I am also reading The Awakening Series by Hunter Ash (Xena/Gabby power fic) to get rid of the ickies of a lesbian-possibly-turning-straight story.  Ever tell you that I love my Kindle.

Really happy to watch Calzona again.  I'm having withdrawals.

I'm actually trying to write a couple of fanfictions. Specifically Jane/Maura.  But I am not a writer.  I always come up with these excellent story ideas that I would love to read but I can't write.  I'm too jumpy.  My idea's change constantly and one excellent storyline turns into two or three and I end up trying to mesh them all together and it just doesn't work.  *argh*  I guess I will keep trying, unless I can find someone to write my stories for me *stupid grin*.

I will post on here when we find out if the baby is a boy or a girl.  TATA!!


pretty little liars, calzona, femslash, fanfiction, rizzoli and isles

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