OOC - [Profile]

Sep 29, 2009 20:18

Name; Kastel

Nickname(s); Doesn't really have any...

Gender; Male

Age; 1,989-years-old (Appears 17-years-old)

Race; Dragon (Ice)

Hair; Light blue, cut short with crescent like bang down the middle of his face.

Eyes; Periwinkle

Height; 5"9'

Skin Color; Pale, almost like snow

Clothes; He wears the regulation school uniform, nothing really done to it.

Hands; Smooth and cold.

Birthday; January 23rd (Aquarius)

Personality; Calm, cool and collected~. Kastel usually keeps a level head, very rarely does he get seriously angry. He likes to play with people's minds and answer questions with other questions.

Favorite Animal; Artic fox

Favorite Scent; Fresh snow

Favorite Place; Wherever he can observe best.

Favorite Color; Bluish-white

Favorite Flower; --

Favorite Food; --

Day Preference; Evening/dusk

Weapon; Scimitar - Blade, Scabbard(Except it's blue~)

Agility; He's pretty fast~...

Element; Ice

Thoughts On Battle; Usually would stay out of them and watch, but occasionally likes to~.

Goal/Purpose; To observe and see as much as he can.

General History; Born in France in 63 A.D., Kastel lived there for most of his life. Since then he's traveled through most of Europe and the Americas.

After the Apocalyptic Rain, he became a monitor to the remaining human population at Doragon Gakuen to a boy named Yoru. About a year ago he met Quinndolyn Harlem and observed her for a while. He knew that she wanted to get rid of him, but she interested her so he stuck around.

A few months ago, he heard about Red Crayon Academy and decided to check it out. Now he was a student, though he still plans on observing as much as he can~...

Other; Like to mess with Quinn; calls her Quinndolyn and Princess/Princesse to annoy her. ♥

*occ, ~profile

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