002 [ video ] backdated to the 12th

Jul 31, 2011 20:59

[The StarFish Communicator clicks on, its view falling on Hubert with lunateclock to the side. As he's the one tasked with doing the talking, Hubert proceeds with an authoritative tone:]

People of Vatheon. I am Hubert Ozwell, and this is Minato Arisato.

It has come to our attention that there are those who desire to protect the welfare of the community. For that, and with the dangers Vatheon has faced time and again, we have decided to find the Volunteer Defense Force to provide assistance throughout the city. To that end, we seek volunteers.

The team will serve as a countermeasure to chaotic and otherwise troubling instances, as well as a means of establishing peace when necessary. What role you are tasked with will depend on your own skills. Combat experience is not a requirement.

Be aware that you are expected to exercise discipline and responsibility during your shifts.

[He pauses to let the information sink in.]

In summary, our intention is to bring about the creation of a more extensive defense force which Sir Roy Mustang proposed nearly six months ago.

Those who are interested may respond now or leave a message later. If you've questions or comments, you are welcome to ask or state them at this point in time.

(ooc: Takes place after this thread with Minato. This is a joint post and either Hubert and/or Minato will be responding. As stated, just comment expressing in-character interest if you want your character(s) to join!)

game: vatheon, c: ken amada (chivalrygrudge), c: riku (recrafts), c: yukari takeba (garudyneinstyle), !in character, c: vietnam (vermillionlotus), c: robin/dick grayson (feelstheaster), c: hajime tounomine (suckmylipstick), c: rapunzel (lovingdream), c: kanaya maryam (meddlefussyfang), c: minato arisato (lunateclock), c: aigis (imaging), c: renton thurston (heroistics), c: jade curtiss (colnecromancer), c: red (curry_bread), c: sven vollfied (sweeperpartner), c: katsu aoki (angelphones), c: demyx (ninthserenade), c: onion knight (not_for_cooking), c: riza hawkeye (thehawks_eye), c: riku (limitless_land), c: sephiroth (glorious_mercy), c: wanijima ak/gito & gazelle (inertias), c: tohru adachi (raincoats), c: shiba takeru (tonope), c: train heartnet (sweepered), c: setsuna f. seiei (swordsofchange), - video, c: zidane tribal (skirtchases), c: jane maxwell (flegeljahre)

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