Sep 13, 2010 00:58
Bucephalus appears to have a virus in the windows operating system that refuses to let me open programs properly to fix it.
I am dry-heaving into a toilet.
I don't know which makes me feel more sick.
I can't even transfer the fiction I was working on off the desktop it seems. Everything just freezes. That's everything I've worked on since the end of May, really. All my Nabari files for sure. (I think Jakkun and MOG might have earlier copies of some of the stories, but it's probably not going to be the same, and even if I get them back, I've no place to put them.)
I'd finally been paid for helping my sister. That five hundred dollars was going to go towards car repairs and textbooks. My boss'll probably forget to pay me until December again, and he's having computer troubles, too, so I might not even have the job if he can't get his files backed up...
I'm...just going to go to bed, likely, or try to find other ways to get everything back. I don't know which. I've even lost my capacity to write essays for class now because aside from emails, I don't have any word processing I can use anymore.
I really don't know what I'm going to do.