Posting basically because my uterus is trying to kill me. Or at least wrap my ovaries around my neck.
Somehow I think everyone needs to know this. Don't you love blogs? It's like twittering just without a character limit, I imagine. You can tell people all sorts of stuff about what you eat for dinner as if it's INTERESTING. OH THE EGO BOOSTING.I
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Oh, I've never read any of Jane Austen. I always got the impression those books were written for women - though all the women I know hate them. hqhq
I always forget Yoite is a hermaphrodite. I haven't read that far into it, but I did hear that once. I feel bad that I didn't remember that... D:
I had a bad choice of wording. I was talking over some serious things on MSN with someone as I was trying to finish up that comment. But I knew what you actually meant - sorry about that. D:
I've had to learn about world history of my own means. ^^; Other than one year of it in my freshman year, and I was too far gone on drugs at the time to be intelligent. I remember listening well in class, but too interested in blowing off homework for bad things.
(By the way, you might hear people call me Cal from now on. I've switched names. I can't change my LJ name without a nasty price tag of $15, but I'm going by Cal/Calintz now. xD Aza was rather upset at having to come up with a new way of saying it that would still allow her to use an honorific. But it was all right, because we talked Lin into reading Spiral. And now the love is spreading. -not making sense because it's late-)
All the women you know are awesome, then.
They ARE really written for chicks, though. Unless you want ot read a book all about social engagements etc. in the 1800's among the gentry. Most men have enough sense to steer clear of that.
XDD Don't worry about it. It's like a thing Kazuho says in passing to big-bro-Yukimi. Then Yukimi just goes off to rescue Yoite anyway because he's awesome.
Bad choices of wording are okaaaaay~
I have them all the time, remember? ^^
If only half the country had the excuse for little grasp of history that you do. Unfortunately, most peopel actually paid attention in their classes long enough to get the grade, then forgot it all because "i won't possibly use this in real life" XDD
(Oh? So that makes you Cal-sama? it of chalky. I like it. XDDD
Lin? There's another person who joined the amazing spiral bicycle bandwagon and I was too stupid to notice? FOR SHAME!)
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