Dec 09, 2005 15:26
My mom is going to KILL me because...
well i had 2 Fs and 2Ds...
but you see, its my english class.
its college prep. and so are my history and Geom. classes...
but see the english class gives me the most work
so i fall behind in my other classes
(the two F ones) and have to make up.
but the my english grade falls to
and its just a cycle of bad grades.
*takes a deep breath*
::this is a problem fixed::
this one is a mood lightener and happy ^_^
okay now this is my REAL problem.... you know of my engagement... well i think my lovey want to see other women along with me and i know i could never be able to sit around a watch as he would be with another woman!
Have you talked to him about this thing with seeing other women? if you have then maybe he's not feeling right about the relationship. Probably, you should talk to him about what is bothering him. Has he been stressed out some days or maybe he's feeling depressed about something. If you want to keep this relationship with him, theni think you should simple talk to him calmly if anything is troubling him.
P.S. there is no fault issues with anyone here inculding you. I just feel whatever i have said just makes you feel like it's your fault and i want to tell you simply: NO FAULTS!!!! just have a talk and see if there are any problems going on. come back to me if there are any problems.
okay..him and i had alittle talk and...everything is fine!! if anything our talk made him more sure about marrying me ^_^.
at first i wasn't going to..then i just blew and splerted everything out and he was a sad that he had made me feel that way and said he'd never even think about marrying someone else! isn't that sweet?? i'm sooo happy!
takes a reeally deep breath*