(no subject)

Aug 22, 2008 00:32

today was spent obsessivley emailing Rob trying to figure out when the fuck he's getting off ship because of this ridiculous tropical storm blowing through here, and i'm mentally exhausted, and i can't begin to describe how much i CRAVE his existance. apparently from my knowledge they are on their way headed back towards base, which doesn't generally mean he'll be home tomorrow, but it means that he will be in cell range until he is which is definitely more than a little stress reducing. i miss that kid so much, it's been two weeks and i am going insane. it's not the deployment, i can handle that. it's not knowing when i will see him next is driving me mad. fuck hurrican season in Florida. this storm has been annoying as shit, lingering around and making driving almost suicidal. Adam and i ventured to the store earlier today for peanut butter and cigarettes, which is now almost the only means of intake i have in this apartment.
on a lighter note, i am feeling positive that he will be home either late late tomorrow or Saturday. which is tolerable because i will chat with him via phone and actually be able to hear his voice. i hate liking my boyfriend sometimes. oh, my mom has moved on to calling him my fiance, which is generally a little disturbing.
anyyyyyways, i just recieved news that my beloved rat danzig passed about a month ago, which is not too long after i left. depression related death? mayhaps. rest in peace girl, you'll be missed. my new rat Toki is nothing compared to her. as much as i love putting force oodles of weirdo rodent love forth, it's just not the same when you have a twitchy biting rodent on the receiving end. i still like him, even though everytime he knows hes going back in the cage he pretty much screams.
right now, i am going to smoke some cigarettes and try to relax into a somewhat sleepy coma and watch Sex and the City. unfortunately i have grown to like this show. shut up.
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