May 20, 2008 20:57
two fucking months too long. uuuuuuughhhhhhh.
i've been drinking a little on the much side, and having real good weekends.
this weekend so far was real great. i just really am glad i got a job and work daily, so that i don't have to really be around this fucking awkwardness TOO much. the 1/2 hour to an hour i spend around my parents a day really is quite enough. they're just such uncomfortable human beings, i really don't understand. i miss Rob a ridiculous amount, and it looks like i really won't be seeing him until July. I was going to pop on down there for his birthday in late June, but it turns out hes going on deployment from the 16th, to the 30th. fuck.
this job isn't going to last two months unfortunately, and i need to find another one now so that i'll have a place to work when my temp position is done. i am making decent money, but classes conflict with how much i work constantly. i get there as soon as i can EVERY day, but i still feel like i'm not making enough or working enough. it sucks.. i need another job and am trying as of now to get one.
i am done with this.