Feb 10, 2010 00:30

So today I once again stuck around through both hours of my lecture, betting that after "Satanists, Vampire and people who think they are dragons" the topics would actuallly improve. And lo and behold it did - we moved on to Conspiracy theories, and far from merely dipping our toes in, we went for that grand nutter: David Icke.

For those not in the know, this fellow went from being a goalkeeper in a mid-level football team, to a celebrity sports commentator (like Gary Linekar without the crisps fetish) to a complete raving nutbag. How much of a nutbag? Apparently the Masons and Illuminati, who control the police, government and media, report back to 13 secret bloodlines that run the entire world as a massive pyramid scheme, and who are in fact extraterrestrial alien lizard people. Who live underground. And conduct regular human sacrifices. And include Queen Elizabeth II, George Bush and Henry Kissinger. See if you can spot where even most conspiracy theorists stop reading.

Having seen the other week how the whole Da Vinci Code idea got started by one guy, Pierre Plantard, lying his ass off, it's amazing some of the crap these folks will swallow. In the words of Terry Wogan (God bless his tanned leather hide) when he interviewed Icke while he was still at the beginners level of only wearing Turquoise clothes and claiming he was Jesus - They're laughing at you, not with you.

Sadly I've taken it upon myself to dig still further into the world of weirdo conspiracy nuts, and at the moment I'm on Alex Jones. You know, the one who I last saw on a 9/11 documentary making some reasonable and interesting points, and now makes ZOMG OBAMA=ANTICHRIST videos so clumsy even a non-politics student from another country can point them out...
I mean, it's not like I obsessively watched the last Election cycle like other people play fantasy football, via nearly twenty election news feeds, and complete with wallchart and stickers on each state noting how they voted and a running tally of how many states each candidate had and how many votes that won them or anything >_> Yeah, being a freshman really can be that dull.

No, there isn't much substance to this post, I just scored a cool icon from teikku via Farscapeicons (yes, you really should check that show out) and thought i'd shove it in your faces ^__^

books, politics, tv, projects, stupidity

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