Holy Shit, I think I just came up with next year's thesis proposal

Jun 28, 2010 23:18

Warning - this whole venture was the result of three hours of drinking with my craziest friend (one of, I guess, in deference to my other crazy friends who might read this). Even as I write this i'm fairly drunk, and can't guarantee any logical sense. Basically we were talking about stuff, and I was waxing lyrical about Anthropology - I'd gone round to his house specifically to get one of my anthropology books back, and the pub just kind of happened. Either way, one of us (me I suspect) introduced Cthulhu mythos to the conversation (yeah, it was me I reckon), and we'd already discussed my need of a topic for a future masters degree next year. Next thing we know we're hammering out the specifics for what we dubbed "Proving the Cthulhu Mythos; A thought experiment".

We started from five points;
  1. Original "crap anthropology", as I call it, like how the Aryan Invasion hypothesis was based originally in the location of Noah's Ark, feminist ideas that all religions started in a mother goddess cult, etc etc etc
  2. Theories of alien interference in ancient cultures such as Egypt
  3. Modern Conspiracy culture (Beyonce and Lady Gaga as servants of the Illuminati etc)
  4. How fictional ideas (Da Vinci code theories etc) gain real-world followings
  5. Modern "Cthulhu religion" such as using mythos deities in Chaos Magic
All of this of course is legit anthropology  or modern Religious Studies (or the critique of the wackier stuff is). Basically this would be a thought experiment - how far could one take a theory one knows to be wrong and bend but not simply invent real-world archaeological data to support it, as has been done countless times in existing anthropological work. So my sources would basically be;
  • Archaeological findings that use Mythos-like imagery (like the statue of Cthulhu I found at Harappa) or which can be bullshitted to fit it
  • Ethnographic (IE anthropological) comparisons with mentioned tribes, like the South Pacific islanders in Innsmouth with regards to practices of human sacrifice etc
  • R'lyeh as a mystical city a la Atlantis, Hyperborea, Lemuria, Thule etc
  • How mythos religions (the cult of the Deep Ones etc) would actually be conducted)
  • And other awesome things I haven't thought of yet
(*Note: Oh thank fucking god, I thought Chrome just ate the whole of the above draft. Where was I?*) 
So yeah, assuming I don't look at this tomorrow and die of embarassment, I'm actually going to write up a proposal with a view of sending it off to the craziest of my supervisors this year and asking him if its feasible. We got very excited about the possibilities for this (having drunk quite a bit) dubbing it "Theoretical Anthropology" and pondering how I could one day run classes on it. For now though my main thought is "How in the fuck am I going to get away with this?.
Your thoughts, F!list?

madness, anthropology, books, coursework, booze, projects

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