In which Rob boils down his weekend into four bulletpoints

May 30, 2010 21:21

  • Today me, Kirsten, Tom and Ali went for an actual picnic - in the sun, with food and drink and a cloth and everyfink. Plus when I questioned Kirsten's claim that sandwiches taste better when they're made for you, she took that as a challenge. Result - two delicious Egg-Mayo and Spinach sarnies.
  • Finally finished Abraham Lincholn: Vampire Hunter. It was an enjoyable read, and as I said before it was nice to just sit down and read at length, but I shan't pretend it was perfect - at some points the author used the same phrase ("effectively bringing the war to a close" for example) twice close to each other, and SPOILER ALERT the last thing to happen in the books, while a fun idea, was both predictable and kinda OOC (like Lincholn hunting vampires wasn't >__>).
  • I'm kinda indecisive about what to read next - I have books I need to finish so I can get rid of them, but like a fool I also got some Graphic Novels from the library. Currently in the lead are The Man Who Was Thursday (which I had on pdf but found in the library also) and Mark Gatiss' The Vesuvius Club, which I already read the GN of, am enjoying again, but I have the box-set of three, so my time might be better spent on ploughing through short crap stuff to get rid of it. But there's one other thing eating my time, too...
  • I finally spoilt myself and got a PSP - it was either that or get a Ps3, it was cheap and (apparently, according to Kirsten) that £1300 in my savings would mean I get less housing benefits, so arguably I did myself a favour :D The game I got for it was Silent Hill: Origins - I freaking love Silent Hill, and this one's proving horribly addictive, even if they've made some funny changes to it - you can read the map etc in the dark, but the game's now far darker so you're often forced to turn the light on just to see your way around. Kirsten was also getting a 4 for £10 on Ps2 games, and she got me Manhunt, but alas without the wires for my Ps2 it's useless ;__;

books, gaming, good news, work

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