Obligatory SPN reaction post: Finale edition

May 15, 2010 10:59


Seriously, I had to watch that bugger twice to grasp some of that.

  • People who read my previous opinion posts on SPN will know I was hardly hopeful about the brothers’ ‘Third way out’ idea but hell, they managed it. Even during ‘the bad times’ (IE Point of no Return, Hammer of the Gods) I was cross mostly because I knew the writers could do better, and times like these, they do. Plus that FX for the hole back into hell was very cool.
  • Given all those rumours circulating that a character was going to bite the bullet permanently, when it started with Chuck’s voiceover about the car, I almost began to cry. Not the Impala!
  • Kinda sad that Michael/Adam got the short end of the stick in that one. If it turns out that he’s the one stuck in ‘the cage’ for eternity but Sam/Lucifer got out, I’ll be a little peeved to say the least.
  • Anyone else not usually into Sam find him ridiculously hot as Lucifer’s meatsuit? A lot more than any other possessed character through the series, Jared really looked like someone wearing someone else’s body (probably a deliberate move), but it was that crooning voice of his that…*dies*. I got the same sorta vibe from Michael in young John’s body, and I kinda hoped the showdown would have been those two having a smex-off, plot and common sense be damned!
  • Amazingly I was something other than bored by Castiel this episode. After his initial creepy vibe (incidentally, if he and Dean did ever do it, he would so top) he got a little woobiefied for my tastes, but I lol’d at that “eeeasy tiger…” thing he did shortly before Lucifer decided to play…
  • POP GOES THE ANGEL, hahahaha! Somebody must make a .gif of that. Although the principle .gif makers seem to be the Misha Brigade, and I’m not sure they’re self-loathing enough to do that. I WAS WRONG

  • I haven't laughed that hard since the one of Anna being nuked ^__^
  • …wait, was Chuck God all along?
  • Despite somehow wanting to see how the writers would turn that twist at the end into Apocalypse II: Electric Boogaloo, I’m actively hoping that that’s Sam’s ghost that came back, and the series will be a blue-collar, monster hunting version of Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased). Especially since…
  • Come on, that happy ending is never gonna last, and you know it. Although I did think they set that couple up a bit better than some think. She (I forget her name) didn’t get much airtime, but she was a common theme whenever Dean imagined a happy ending for himself (the ‘trapped in a dream’ ep for example).

Okay, gushing over for now. Might edit in more later if I think of it.

smut, good news, shameless flattery, unwarranted opinions, tv, spn

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