I love what I do <3

Apr 23, 2010 19:45

Just got back from a big knuckledown session on my Indian Artefacts dissertation. I've now gotten the chunk of it I was working on sent off to my supervisor, and now I can plough into another section which should go by in a flash. This time I was discussing the freaky-ass clay figurines they do there, and bits on why Indian Civilization wasn't started by an invasion of white people, nor did they worship the same goddess all across India and Eastern Europe beforehand. God, the number of these theories that can be traced back to racism and lazy anthropologists is astounding. Next up tonight is doing the same thing with my Occultism one.

Also got to throw in the Cthulhu statue (although obviously I didn't call it that) and mention the possibility of a Third Gender. That's going to be a significant thing in my Diss', since i'm gonna be arguing that the most famous relic from the IVC, the clay seal that's on my Icon, represents a female shaman ritually donning male accoutrements (the penis beltbuckle) and animal ones (the male buffalo horns) to achieve a transcendent state. It's common for men to do the reverse as shamans, but not so common for women.

There's a real trippy-ass bunch of these motifs, including Tiger-Centaurs, Elephant-Giraffe chimera, chicken-men fighting tigers and a ritual where a woman and a human-headed goat sacrifice a human head to a tree. Since there aren't any good weblinks to these things, as soon as i've scanned in my line-drawings i'll see about posting them here. Won't that be fun? *sounds of crickets chirruping*

coursework, obsession, can't think of a tag

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