Events that have Transpired

Apr 07, 2010 01:01

Been hacking up a few issues of Bizarre (for non-Brits, an alternative lifestyle mag mixing glamour photography, gross-out stuff, body modification, horror films etc) for the articles before I recycle 'em. I'm trying to economize in every way apart from getting rid of some of my books. So, taking a tip from my job in the Ruskin archives, i'm collecting the "ephemera" into a few big envelopes so that in a few months i'll come back to them, think "why was I saving these?" and just throw them out. And that's how I save space, folks.

Today's portion of NOOOOOOOO - Not only have I finally found out that Scrubs was cancelled (which I could have guessed given all the butthurt about it coming back) but there's a chance FlashForward is gonna be too! Damn, this is like Lost getting cancelled after only one season, wtf? There's so much stuff left to be done! Well, at least I saw the book in Waterstones (where I snagged the Vesuvius Club trilogy for only a tenner, fuckyeah) so maybe I can console myself if it does. The latest episode, "Better Angels" kicked ass though

To end on a high note, I also ended up randomly watching Tabula Rasa, the episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer where they all lose their memory - Giles and Anya make such an adorably dorky "married" couple ^__^

madness, coursework, tv, woe is me, projects

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