First: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new question.
Lots of pillows or just one?
What an odd question to start with. But just the one pillow, plus a cusion I now prop under my back to stop my acid-reflux thing from acting up. I used to have lots more for sitting up in bed reading, but since I started getting back problems I had to cut down.
What kind of books do you read?
I'm hopelessly addicted to encyclopedias of the Occult, Mythology, Unusual Sexual Practices (god I wish I made that one up). Aside from that i'd like to say I read respectable, Goth-Cred or Intellectual stuff, but frankly most of what I read for pleasure (since I read and write all the time as a student) is fairy stories, romance manga and occasionally random children's books - I read Wurzel Gummage last year, and i've got Charlotte's Web on my shelf alongside Phillip Reeve's Mortal Engines. The only Genre i've been able to stick with is the Beat Generation, or the Urban Fantasy stuff like Gaiman etc.
What's the weirdest thing you've seen today?
When I look in the mirror after a shower, when it's steamed up, the light from the windows gives me weird shimmery eyes like a cat if you shine a torch at it.
Are you hopeful for the future?
Not at all. Having spent three years and a chunk of my savings getting a Religious Studies degree, only to find almost all my new friends are moving away and the economy is in the middle of a new Great Depression and soon to be presided over by the fucking Tory Party, I have just enough volunteering experience and soon a 2:1 degree, and will need to find somewhere to live and a job in 3 months time. The one possible job I had has fallen through as well, since.... well, can you guess which part of this statement they jumped at? "Has spent 6 months volunteering for free at a museum archive".
What do you think is really creepy?
For real? Have you ever met me? Since I pretty much wallow in the deep end of the occult/paranormal/anthropological swamp, the only thing that still freak me out are Spiders. I've gotten over the urge to kill them, and now set them free when I can, but all the same don't fucking touch me you furry crawling freak.
What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
I've started compliling a diagram of the actors i've spotted in different TV shows I watch - so far i've linked Lost to Heroes, Supernatural, Flash Forward and CSI, and House to How I Met Your Mother, all with one degree of seperation. Piss off, i've got a lot of procrastinating to do.
Why are you on your computer indoors on such a lovely day?
I have masses of work to do, and i'm currently stalling by doing memes.
What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Hotmail, Facebook, Livejournal, Last.FM, plus a couple of Free Movies Online sites
What was the last thing you bought?
A copy of the Satanic Bible, for research purposes.
How do you think you'll die?
Well on my Father's Side I have a history of strokes, and my mother had Cancer, plus i'm alarmingly unhealthy, so i'm gonna say something coronary.
Do you get cravings? If so, what do you crave?
I've got a serious sweet-tooth. In fact i'm weighing my options as to going to the store for some sweets right now.
What do you do to change your mood?
Put on some music/some different music.
What is your zodiac sign?
Virgo (Western) or Earth Dragon (Chinese)
Do you want to learn another language?
Looking back, Id've liked to have learned Mandarin, what with the Chinese about to rule the world and all. But then, I probably would have made the same mistakes as I did learning French and German in School, IE not realizing that you have to think in another language, rather than just string out the corresponding words to what you're saying in English.
Five things you can't live without
Books, Beverages, Hugs, Sugar and Music
Find the closest book currently sitting near you and flip to page 23. What is the first sentence of the second paragraph?
"Each of these deities and their respective priests and ministers have attempted to find wisdom in their own lies". Anton LaVey, The Satanic Bible
What's something you'd like to say to yourself right now?
Get back to work
What are you looking forward to?
I'm probably going to go see Alice in Wonderland while it's still in the Cinema. It's gotten mixed reviews and the books bored me to tears, but it's something to keep myself occupied while I'm alone in the house, isn't it?