unexplained giant absence \o/

Aug 18, 2009 23:13

I've regressed to lurkerdom partially due to a giant bunch of (mostly work-related) stress, stress so bad I've even been given stress tablets because apparently freaking out over nothing is bad news. :( And yet I take these tablets and feel like they help, because I'm all about psychosomatic reactions. Or maybe they do help, I don't know. They should help me stop picking at the skin around my fingernails until it bleeds, that's all I'm saying.


I've been marathoning all of B5 again and LET ME TELL YOU LJ I don't care what anyone else says if they say anything else, B5 is such a giant love-letter to people having stupid bickering conversations. *__* Also I think the funniest thing I'd forgotten was the alien in Sic Transit Vir walking into shot while Vir and the Naarn are arguing, then turning and walking away again. You will forever have a place in my heart, walking alien dude.

Also I watched Evasive Enquiry Agency and it's pretty much THE BEST TREASURE-HUNTING-RELATED THING that isn't Indiana Jones or Relic Hunter. They hunt treasure. *__* treasure that's gold bars in the shape of pretty leaves *__* and gangsters chase them around and get outsmarted *___*

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