(no subject)

Feb 08, 2009 21:41

Apparently I have glandular fever. Take THAT, healthy world! :( Or I might not because they thought I had something else the other week and lol it wasn't that and now I have to do more blood tests and the nurse has already made fun of my tiny tiny veins. I only have one day of sick leave with pay left too, so I'm going to try and do a complicated maneouvre known as being entirely healthy by Thursday since Tuesday is no option. IT WILL WORK. :D

Last week I mainlined the entirety of Avatar. I know everyone told me how good it is but WHY DIDN'T EVERYONE TELL ME HOW GOOD IT IS. I wish it wasn't over. I wish I was well enough to think about writing half of the prompts in the gen battle. I wish I could watch it all again *____*

But I'm going to watch Monkey instead and wish there was a crossover between Avatar and Monkey somewhere in this world.
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