{August Challenge} Dressed Up Secrets

Aug 05, 2007 21:51

Title: Dressed Up Secrets
Author: Ryoma (MisterTalbot)
Fandom: Princess Princess (Hime Hime)
Characters/Pairing: Tohru and Yuujirou
Challenge: August, crossdress
Warnings and Notes: Pri Pri is about as close to boys liking boys as you can without it being official. If you don't favor this, don't read it. Also, I don't own Pri Pri, etc. I also had a horrible time writing this, it just wouldn't work out, so please give me crit on how to improve it. I've also taken certain liberties with Japanese school culture since my knowledge on it is limited.

Fandom summary: Princess Princess is about three boys who must dress like girls in order to keep the boys at an all boys' school from going crazy. (It's a school tradition).

Tohru headed back to the home economics room, the frills of the dress he wore to the senior ceremony swishing around his knees. He couldn’t believe the year was over and this would be his last time dressing as a girl. He wouldn’t deny he wasn’t thankful. While, he knew the guys would still fawn to see his smile, there would be a new batch of Princesses to take the brunt. It would certainly free his time for school work.

And yet…

He’d miss the perks. And he couldn’t help but think on the great friendships that had formed during the year. Would the connection remain when the tie that bound them was broken?

He looked up in time to Mikoto rushing from the building, the gleam of ‘girlfriend’ already in his eyes. Tohru didn’t have the heart to rib him. Instead, they cast each other “See you next semester”s and carried on with their own thoughts. Tohru wondered if he would see Mikoto again. After all, he still would be on the opposite end of the campus. Least he would still be friends with Yuujirou, at least, the hoped to, though he hadn’t signed the form to agree to room together again next year…

He supposed all friendships were tenuous. But Yuujirou had seemed like the first person he’d been open with, and he had hoped … but hoping wouldn’t keep the inevitable from happening. He sighed in relief as he entered the empty classroom and began changing, letting his focus center on undoing everything that he’d done that morning. He’d never really minded the dresses, but it would be nice to wear something less complicated all the time

He’d just pulled on his tee shirt when Yuujirou walked in, the normal pleasant face gray with indecision. Tohru watched, unnoticed, as Yuujirou moved into the room and sat down.


The other boy looked up, surprised, then happy, and then a flicker of disappointment. Then the smile was back, but now it was his princess smile.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m not sure.” His eyes dropped and his fingers ran along the frills on the dress.

Tohru sat down beside him. “Listen, if this is about us rooming together… Just tell me if you don’t want to--”

“No! No, it’s not that.”

“Then why didn’t you sign the agreement?”

“I wasn’t sure you’d want to room with me.”

“Why not? We’ve roomed together all year and dealt with dresses and attending all the events and Mikoto.”

A tiny smiled bothered the worry lines on his face. “Yes, we have. But if you room with me, it might not end.”

“What are you talking about? They didn't con you into being a princess again next year did they?”

“No, nothing like that, it’s just. The dresses, Tohru, I like wearing them. I never really thought about it before, and then this year, and then today. I thought about this as the last time I’d wear a dress and it … and I didn’t want it to be. I just…”

His voice faltered. He waited. He wanted Tohru to say something.

But there was only silence as Tohru stood and walked from the room.


Yuujirou never had a chance to talk to Tohru after that. By the time Tohru had returned, and he could only assume he had since all his clothes possessions were gone, Yuujirou had been asleep. And the next morning Tohru had slipped out without waking him. Later that day, he went home as well. But he didn't stay long; again he didn't belong, but now he knew it wasn't their fault at all. He figured he‘d pack his things and get assigned to a random room for the next semester. It was strange returning, the campus empty and knowing he probably lost his best friend.

He pushed open the door to his room and was startled to find Tohru lying on the stripped bed, staring at the ceiling. “Oh.”


“I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting you until later this week.”

“I know.” Tohru at up. Yuujirou entered cautiously, sitting across from him.

“Well?” Yuujirou watched Tohru’s face, the blue eyes silent as ever.

“I had to think about what you said. I had to think about what it meant to me.”


Tohru stood, moving to stare down at Yuujirou. “I think it‘s strange to think of you wanting to wear a dress all the time,” he leaned down, his face close enough to Yuujirou that he could smell the mint on his breath, “but I can’t say I won’t adjust.”

And then he kissed Yuujirou.

It seems they both had secrets.

princess princess, author: mistertalbot, 2007 august

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