Title: Dean Wakes Alone
Rating: PG?
Warnings: None
Word Count: 88
Chapter #: 6/?
WIP or Complete: WIP
Summary: Dean wakes up alone. Takes place after Emma leaves in Wreck of the Day.
He woke up alone, which was unusual. He stretched. He could still smell her, could still taste her. She was probably downstairs, cooking something. She had been adamant they eat properly…but he couldn't smell anything. He sat up.
Looking around, he found a piece of paper on the pillow. He grabbed the note and as he read it, his jaw clenched. He didn't say anything, just crumpled up the note and got out of bed. He dropped the note on the floor. He had to check on Sam.
Title: Other Hunters
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 117
Chapter #: 7/?
WIP or Complete: WIP
Summary: Emma runs into some hunters. Or, so she thinks. Takes place in between Of Angels and Apocalypses and Wreck of the Day.
I couldn't be sure if they were hunters, it wasn't really something you walk up to someone and asked. They reminded me of Dean and Sam in a way though, something rough looking about them. They seemed to be fully aware of their surroundings as they unpacked the car and headed into their room a few doors down from mine. What made them stand out was that they were women. I always got the impression that hunting was dominated by men. I made a mental note about them in case I got the chance to ask Bobby, or the boys. Either way if hunters were in town I knew it was time to get the hell out.
Title: Valentines Day
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 255
Chapter #: 8/?
WIP or Complete: WIP
Summary: It's Valentines Day and Dean's not interested. Sam had theories on why. Takes place before Wreck of the Day.
It was weird. Dean not going out on Valentines Day was equal to the apocalypse. Then again, they had started the apocalypse so he really shouldn't be too surprised. He knows the real reason though. It's not that Dean is tired of it, or there are more important things to do (even though there are), it's Emma.
They had only left her a few weeks ago and still they kept in contact. Or at least, Dean and Emma did. Sam hadn't spoken much to her except for a few texts here or there.
Still, he knows it's Emma that Dean's thinking about. Just like it was Emma he was thinking about when they were in Massachusetts and Dean asked about wanting a family. He knew that Dean had texted her not long after that conversation. Probably some inane comment that would only agitate her so he was sure to get a response.
The relationship between the two bordered on ridiculous. Still, he was brought back to the promise he had made to himself years ago. Emma was a chance for more for Dean.
Sam sighed, he couldn't deal with this now. There was too much going on in this town and with him. Definitely with him.
(What do you think?)