Title: the end and the beginning
Author: Aphrodite_mine
Info: X-Men/House crossover for velvet_talon. Rogue and Thirteen. PG-13. (Takes place pre-5x20, but with knowledge of that episode.)
She warns us upon admittance that touching her skin will result in “bad things.” So, of course Kutner laughs and whips off his gloves like an ass and five seconds later he’s on the floor, barely breathing. She has the decency to look guilty.
House has Taub taking patient history, and he does with a wary eye on her gloves the whole time. She explains without hesitation that her condition developed when she was in her mid-teens, that there’s a whole race of them--mutants--and really, that’s what she has, a mutation, and not any medical problem. But she’s here on her last hope. I catch Taub before he reports anything to House. He’ll laugh in her face.
I don’t think she needs anymore of that.
We’re not much for ideas, honestly, but House comes up with something involving her liver and a hormone deficiency. I guess that’s what they pay him for. I hook her up to the IV, and notice her eyes-not for the first time. She tells me she’s been healed before, something made from another of them, another mutant. Something about that word sends chills down my spine (or it could be the Huntington’s developing. I try not to think about it. There are a lot of things I try not to think about).
I drop a latexed hand to her wrist, hoping some warmth passes through. What kind of life can she lead?
Kutner’s back the next day, cracking jokes about how she’s “a real knock-out.”
“Apparently, you’re still reeling from the blow,” House snaps at him. And maybe, its the first time I like him.
The IV doesn’t work-do the first guesses ever?-and she turns a grayish color. When I come in to check, she grabs my arm, cloth around cloth. “I don’t know what I did to deserve this,” she says.