OK, so last week sometime, (things are a bit fuzzy because I don't like to think of a time when I didn't know about The Bugle Podcast, available on itunes and at
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/thebugle) I came across a bitingly satirical podcast called The Bugle. It is done by John Oliver (of the Daily Show) and Andy Zaltzman (of various British things). I am now, I want to say mildly obsessed with John Oliver, but it is not a mild obsession. I've spent most waking minutes listening to The Bugle. I do it at work while I set up and take down chairs, I listen to it in the car, I listened to it while I walked home from work the other night (long story about the car being unavailable and missing the bus, ok short story), I listen to it before bed, while I'm cooking and first thing in the morning. I've just finished listening to the last available podcast (issue 52, actual podcast 56, I think). Now that I've finished listening to what amounts to 24 straight hours of The Bugle (the podcasts are about 30 minutes each, although most are a couple of minutes longer), I've been obsessively searching the web for more John Oliver. Last night I watched all of the "Mock The Week" episodes he appeared in (thank you youtube) and I ordered a DVD copy of his Comedy Central special "Terrifying Times" (and am in the process of watching it on Google video). I've been reading various interviews and visiting his website (www.mrjohnoliver.com) daily to see if there are updates. I am a sick woman! I can't find independent confirmation that his birthday is April 23, 1977 although I know it's late in April 1977 (thanks to a Bugle podcast from late April). I am sick!!!!!
Because I am an obsessive list maker I've made a list of my symptoms:
1) As previously mentioned, obsessive Bugle listening
2) I actually submitted a Hottie from History Nomination for Laura Secord to The Bugle
3) I bought John Oliver's iTunes "Celebrity Playlist" and then completed some of the albums (Gavin Osborn is fantastic!)
4) I ordered the DVD of John Oliver's comedy special "Terrifying Times"
5) I watched all of John's appearances on "Mock the Week" despite knowing almost nothing about British politics (although I feel as if I know more now)
6) I joined 2, possibly 3 Live Journal communities devoted to John Oliver (I can't remember it was late at night, or early in the morning depending on how you look at it)
7) I've got new John Oliver icons (2 of them)
8) I kind of want to submit (read am drafting) a letter to the Bugle suggesting they get a Canadian correspondent, to wit me.
9) I've read a number of John Oliver related news articles (more than 10)
10) Am trying to get tickets to The Daily Show again (trying hard!) so that I can go and see him, not Jon Stewart, while I'm in New York this spring.
11)(this one is the most serious) I'm trying to figure out where John Oliver lives based on clues he's left in podcasts (close to Lou Reed and a pet store, on the same block where Catherine Zeta Jones filmed part of a Christmas scene for an up coming movie) so that I can hang out around there while I'm in New York this spring and casually bump into him.
I am a mentally deranged woman! Seriously, I need psychiatric help. And honey, if you're reading this, don't worry, I'm sure the relationship is all one sided and he isn't interested in me (but if he is, then you might have to worry a little bit).