(no subject)

Apr 25, 2005 18:54

i wonder why it doesnt feel more spring-like. tomorrow is my mom's 45th birthday, i plan on making her a lovely cake. i've been so busy lately, its wonderful. i cant believe we still have a month of school left, it seems so long. well, i know it seems long, but im sure it will go by in a snap. thats what im hoping, at least.

i couldnt pass up a nice survey...

First Crush: nick, when i was 6.
First Boyfriend: i dont know, maybe joel?
First Kiss: 7th grade
First Make-out session: " "
First Heartbreak: 6th grade, those mean girls. pfft.
First dumping: last year sometime
First time YOU got dumped: i have no idea... um.. 8th grade or freshman year.
First time you felt like the luckiest girl in the world: everyday for the past month :)

Have you ever been cheated on?: yes, yes i have.
Have you ever been the person someone cheats with?: no, never.
What do you consider cheating?: kissing and so on.
Have you ever flirted with another boy when you have a boyfriend?: i don't believe so.

green/blue eyes or brown eyes?: dont matta
long/short hair?: long.
Muscles or no?: hahaha, buff.
Tan or not?: either.
brunette or blonde?: brown.
Do you think its cute when a boy opens a door for you?: yes, haha
When he cries?: as long as its not over something ridiculous.
When he carries your books?: yes
When he lets you wear his sweatshirt?: yes, definitley.
When he admits he liked to cuddle?: " "
When he tells you he loves you but you just "like" him? what?

Last boyfriend: jon
Last hug: jon
Last phone call: well... jon.
Last time your heart was broken?: when i saw a ducks eating a fellow duck at the duck pond; when i saw a bird get hit by a car.
Are you in love?: no such thing as love.
Do you have a crush?: yes
Do you want to be in love?: if its real.
What color socks are you wearing? hahaha, oh god.... one black, one white. no lie.
What kind/color underwear are you wearing? maroon
What's under your bed? bags and suitcases
What time did you wake up today? 6:45
Where do you want to go? everywhere but 3rd world countries. europe, ireland, iceland, anywhere really.
Where are you going to live? where ever my husband wants to live, doesnt matter to me at all.
How many kids do you want? however many my husband wants. maybe 2.
What kind of car(s): my bu. i like butch mary willis and the big blue van of justice, also.

Current mood: happy, relaxed, calm
Current music: none, i just finished banging on my guitar though
Current taste: cookies
Current hair: messed up. coke-head like.
Current clothes: dark, dirty, coke-head like things.
Current annoyance(s): absolutely nothing at all. except maybe that silly high school i go to.
Current desktop picture: a painted picture of a naked tree branch. aww.
Current book: no comment.
Current color of toenails: maroon
Current time: 7:05 on the dot.
Current hate: nothing at all.
Current love: the world and most people in it.

1. Nervous Habits? tapping my foot, maybe? i dont really become nervous so much.
2. Are you double jointed? kind of.
3. Can you roll your tongue? yes + a 3 leaf clover
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? sure can. very well, might i add.
5. Can you blow spit bubbles? i suppose so, my mouth is kind of dry right now.
6. Can you cross your eyes? yes, i can.
7. Tattoos? "PARTY ANIMAL" on my forearm, and "wicked" on my opposite wrist.
8. Piercings and where? yes, ears. UNGAUGED, thank you very much.
9. Do you make your bed daily? no, i only have a sheet and a heated blanket anyway.

What's your sleeping position? curled up in a little ball being very still all night.
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? yes, a sheet at least.
Do you snore? no
Do you sleepwalk? no
Do you talk in your sleep? no
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? one... pokey...
How about with the light on? nightlight, but no overhead light.
bathroom with the door shut? what?
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? nope, never.

everyone have a great week
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