Sep 21, 2005 11:02
Yeah.... Man, yesterday I thought I was going to have a nice relaxing evening, ya know chill out, eat some kettle corn and watch some bomb-ass cheezy movie that rocks and sucks at the same time but
We (Andria and I) went to the old house and packed up a car full of more shit and still another truck load of furnature and went home to unpack. Carla calls me and askes me if I'll take her to the store and I say yeah. She offers me money and I deny, implying that her strips of Beef Jerky and the 2 Reeses penut butter cups I ate out of her bag were more than enough. Even though I only have $5 in my account and a folded up one dollar bill somewhere in my bag. It's okay, we'll get paid tomarrow/friday. haha, I asked Andria this morning, "Will we always be broke like this?" I must have sounded like a elementry student... She laughed and said "No, we'll be fine, baby. Don't worry about it." I love her. The house is starting to become a home, well, not as of yet, but the scattered furnature and boxes make the rooms seem not so empty. I havn't talked to Misty in a while. I must call that woman. Shit now, son... I dunno what we're gonna do about a fuckin' bus ticket...I'll admit it. I'm worried about money....haha...obvously. But you know what's funny? Andria hates Ramen Noodles...Isn't that funny?... *sigh* not really, I had something funny to say but I forgot so I put in a lame ass not-so-funny comment... Oh well... Krystal...Or...Crystal...or...Kristal...or...Cristal...just called me... Fuck, I'm an ass.. she's been a friend for a while and I don't even remember how to spell her name, haha... She wants me to come over and watch the longest yard with her even though... she did say that she was going to come over and watch Mulholland Dr. with me for being such an asshole the other day and last night. That's her punishment, watching Mulholland Dr. with me...
-Eve Ensler, "The Vagina Monologues"