7x01 - What Happens Next

Nov 11, 2011 21:16

Alternative Title: "I heard you, but I didn't understand you."/"I think that about you all of the time."

Well, here we are. I know it took a lifetime for me to get this up, but I had internet issues, in that Comcast is my internet provider, and Comcast, collectively, is a douche. (7x02 is under construction, just FYI.)

Over the past year, I had a lot going on. Some dating, some friends leaving, some working, but mostly, there was some deep, dark depression in there. Nothing really to write home about, just your typical quarter-life crisis, where you realize that all the things you worked so hard for don't so much culminate into awesome, but rather give you the opportunity to continue to pursue awesomeness. If I'm not being clear, let me try again: I was in school a long time, and did, not to toot my horn or anything, very well, and I believed, upon graduation, that I was TheShit.com. Well, maybe I am, but at the beginning of your career, you are just shit.com, no The, no capital letters. And that is a hard truth to face: that growing up never stops, it does not get easier, and life is an interminable chase for Better, even when you think you've done your best. Facing this as a reality can be a depressing thing, at first, because you feel tired, and lost, as you have attained All That You Were Working For, so you have no idea What Comes Next.

But here's what's cool.

Here's what really makes it worth it, what pulls you out of the sadness, the tired, the lost.

It's that What Comes Next is All of the Stuff.

All the Stuff is a big part of Show, but it's a big part of life, too. It's the figuring out, the being lost, the finding the strength to kick yourself in the ass, and realizing that the pursuit of Better for the rest of your life is kind of the greatest thing. That you can always be Better. That things can always be Better.

That people can help you be Better.

All of the Stuff is so much Better.

1. There’s some serious Call of Duty: Black Ops shit going down.

2. Except not.

3. Because it’s paintball.

4. And look, who cares, because we know we’re about to find a dead person, and we don’t even care about that, because WE KNOW WHAT WE GET TO SEE TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!

5. So, there’s a scary dead person in the woods. Bet B/B get a call about that soon.

6. That we get to see.


8. In Booth’s kitchen-


10. -Brennan pulls some toast out of the fridge, Booth makes eggs, and I almost pass out for the first of undoubtedly many times tonight.

11. Also, Booth, I love that fridge.

12. Also, also, I feel that I need to mention that this kitchen is not Booth’s kitchen of old, and sets were clearly changed, but I’m just not getting into it.

13. Or is this from his apartment after he got back? Whatever. Who cares? Why am I going on about this? THERE ARE BETTER TOPICS!

14. Booth basically says that Brennan is the size issue in the kitchen, and not the actual size of his kitchen. Brennan: I am aware of that. And did you see her face when she said it? You know that face. You’ve MADE that face. The passive aggressive face of passive aggression? You’ve made it. Don’t lie.

15. Booth backtracks, in his boxers-

16. A;ldkfja;ofh’9ofrhya’oweirhaf’o8ihyat’r

17. Oafhyua8’3[atw673n=ct5aq[04t67

18. Much with the passing

19. And the outing

20. For O’Brien

21. Is dead

22. -and he ends up hitting on Brennan-a’efpaij’eoijaw’foija

23. fpjawP



24. Pgoajw



25. So much

26. Passing out

27. He hits on Brennan to make up for it. Which is exactly what a guy does in these situations when they really kind think of nothing else. They, of course, turn to sex.

28. Booth: You look great, by the way.

Brennan: What you see is the manifestation of your own virility, which fills you with a sense of pride and power. It’s natural to confuse that with attraction.

Booth: Amazing face of adorable can I just jump you now because you are adorable/beautiful/hot/my baby mama face.

29. Here’s what’s great. He totally is feeling all that stuff Brennan is saying, but he’s also just super hot for her, because of all the sex, and how pretty she is, and that after all of these years, he’s pretty turned on when she gets science-y. Because Booth, you see, is a sick man, and he knows it, but he’s love’s bitch, and he knows that, too. LOVE.


31. LOVE.


33. And I’ve been so distracted that I’ve failed to mention that Booth’s in the holster. You. Guys. What did we ever do to deserve so much goodness?

34. Oh, wait.

35. I know.



38. Also, in this more logical state, I have say that it does make sense that Booth would try to use sex to distract Brennan, and that the only reason Brennan is so perfect for him is that she may be the only woman alive it wouldn’t actually work on. Just saying.

39. Brennan’s smarty pants journal takes a dip in Booth’s oatmeal (how I wish this were a euphemism for what we were watching), and Booth finally brings it up - the living together.

40. Here, we learn that he and Brennan “spend almost all” of their time together, and they’ve decided to “split time” between apartments.

41. Brennan passive aggressives about it again, and you guys, I am loving this. I knew it was going to be like this. That Booth would say something, and Brennan would channel this inner annoyance that only a woman in a committed relationship can channel and then passive aggressive out to her partner. LOVE. Even if emotions are difficult for her at times, every woman knows that move. It’s instinctual.

42. Also, Booth is careful to point out that they need “one bed.”

43. Because, and I haven’t said this yet because it’s apparent, but still-


45. THEY

46. HAVE

47. SEX

48. !!!!

49. And then they cuddle.

50. And then they sleep in the same place.

51. And they wake up in the same place.

52. And probably have more sex.


54. Brennan brings up the fact that Booth has said he wouldn’t live with another woman again unless he was married.

55. And so, within about .5 seconds, we’re already framing up what I think may be one of our essential issues for the season.

56. Because look, they’re going to get married.

57. That’s so happening.

58. And it’s so going to happen the way Booth describes - with Brennan asking him - because of this: she gets huffy when he says he’s not asking her. You could tell, for a second, that she’s been expecting it, and is now pissed/disappointed that it’s not happening. But Booth’s sure, and he’s right. One thing we have to remember, and that this episode reminds us of: Booth used to be a gambler, and a pretty good one, from our recollection of #100-

59. (moment of silence for The Heartcrusher)

60. -so he knows the value of the Slow Play. No way he asks her first, because he knows it would scare the shit out of her.

61. Also, they pounded us over the head with Booth’s prior gambling issues in this episode. I thought it might be because they were reminding us for something later, and I read a comment - can’t remember where - that gave a decent enough reason. We know Booth feels/is going to continue to feel very insecure about this money thing. Booth is they type of guy who likes to Take Care of Things. Could it be that he turns back to gambling to make up the monetary difference? I kind of always wished they’d leave him alone on this, and never bring it back, because Booth’s got enough demons, and he’s done such a good job fighting them, and now that he and Brennan are together, I want them to be perfect. But I do bang on quite a bit about how they aren’t perfect, and that’s why they are perfect, and really, Booth can’t be perfect all of the time; otherwise, he’s not relatable. So I might be okay with this, because I do like it when Brennan saves him, and she would save him. And it does seem like the only thing that would get him to pick up gambling again. Anyway.

62. Mid-convo, Booth’s phone rings, and we’ve got a murder! And Booth steals Brennan’s toast! And this is our life now!

63. This is our life now.

Stolen toast, bitching about who gets to use what in the kitchen, kisses over oatmeal, him in his boxers, her with unwashed hair.

This is our life now, and it’s still a little precious to hold. It feels so light, but it’s stronger than we ever knew we could make it. Something shouldn’t be so strong and so light at the same time.

But this is. Maybe it will break one day, but it will heal stronger than before.

Just like bones.

Just like us. The times we’ve broken, we’ve always gotten stronger, haven’t we?

64. At the crime scene, Brennan and Booth fight about the possibility that Brennan will up and decide, when the time comes, to squat and release the baby into her lab case while examining something dead.

65. And let’s not act like Booth doesn’t have a point on this one.

66. Honestly, I’m hoping Brennan goes into this saying, yes, natural childbirth, I am one with nature, communing, or whatever you’d expect Brennan to say, and then she punches a nurse and tells them to give her the biggest epidural money can buy, and tells Booth that if he doesn’t draw his gun and start shooting until this comes to pass, he’s never having sex again.

67. I mean, that won’t happen, but tell me it wouldn’t be amazing.

68. We go from this convo to Brennan’s crying - Hodgins throws in that Angela used to cry at Sham-Wow commercials - and Booth’s taking a picture of it (after asking the requisite, “You okay, Bones?”). This is so perfect I might die

69. Mostly, what’s amazing about all of this is that Booth and Hodgins are both trying to be pretty quiet, because they are regarding Brennan as a ticking time bomb, and do not want to be what sets it off.

70. (Booth knows, anyway, that when it does go off, he’s going to have to deal with it, but he doesn’t want to actually be there to incur the wrath, but rather distract the wrath with sex. I’m saying.)

71. The credits are new. And amazing. Because there is Sweets in that sweater and hat from “Blackout in the Blizzard,” and the now-famous Pre-Coitus Cuddle.

72. I’m down with PCC, yeah you know me!

73. Back at the lab, Wendell evidences a pretty hearty fear of Dr. Brennan. Cam (OMG, I love your hair…again) is annoyed that Wendell is not more scared of her, but come on, Cam. The victim - you notice, I haven’t said much about her, and it’s not that I don’t care, but that I just don’t care as much - has been stabbed through the top of her mouth into her brain, and let me just say, the pulling out of that brain was icky. Wendell gets a message from Brennan that basically says, “WTF where is my dead stuff?!” and Wendell tells Cam he’s going to tell Dr. Brennan to “cool her jets.” More likely, that text was saying, “I’m so sorry, I will have your dead things soon, you are so right about everything, please do no murder me in my sleep,” or maybe he’s texting Booth for back up, because they always seemed to get on pretty well.

74. Cam, mercifully, informs Wendell that she’s done, and he feels pretty good that he might get to keep his nuts for a couple more minutes.

75. At Hoover, Sweets is like a puppy panting for more treats at Booth’s feet. No. Really. You can tell he wants to be in the game, and well, this makes sense for Show, since Brennan’s going to be out of pocket. As you all know, Emily Deschanel was actually pregnant (and now has a whole baby named Henry, which is such a good name, and not something ridiculous like “Cutter” or “Apple” or something shitty), so she’s probably not going to be in the show quite so much for a little bit. Which is cool with me; to borrow from the AWESOME Dr. Bana from the S6 finale, if she didn’t cut back, “She’d be solving a murder when she should be solving a baby.”

76. Even though I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what will happen with this baby thing goes down. Or out, rather.

77. Oh, Dr. Bana. PLEASE BE BACK. Especially if you and Caroline can be gal pals.

78. Anyway, Sweets is ready to help in any way possible, maybe because he’s bored with just listening to FBI agents’ problems and occasionally getting shrinky on suspects. Sweets comments that he wants to help, and that normally by this point, Brennan would be confined to a desk (I cannot wait for this Battle Royale to go on between B/B. Or maybe it won’t, because Booth values his testicles). Booth gushes-

79. -really, he’s gushing-

80. -that “Bones isn’t normal. Normal’s not really her thing.”

81. Y’all. He loves her. And he doesn’t have to hide it anymore. And that smile - it’s just HUGE. Like, after all of the time of struggling with it, he finally gets to feel it, all of it. It’s really, really beautifully done.

82. Then, Sweets gets shrinky on Booth, asking if there’s extra stress on B/B due to the pregnancy. Well, no shit, Sweets. Of course there is. They denied their love for years, then everything happened all at once. If that’s not stress-inducing, I don’t know what is. But this is their way. They are people who thrive on stressful situations. I mean, come on. It’s their thing.

83. And, obviously, Booth ain’t havin’ this discussion, no way.

84. On the platform, Wendell endures what must be a pretty uncomfortable conversation mostly centered around Brennan’s bribery of Booth with a picture of his cooking an omelet while naked. Angela, always acting as audience surrogate (unless it’s Sweets), begs for a preview.

85. Yes, Brennan, do a girl a favor, won’t you? I. AM. SO. HAPPY.

86. Poor Wendell, he really gets the brunt of the awkward. I mean, he was sleeping with Angela, then watched her and Hodgins get together, and have a baby, and I would really like to see Wendell get some action.

87. And since Booth is so thoroughly taken, I will offer myself for this. A great sacrifice, I know. I’m very kind that way.

88. Hodgins says lots of things about linseed oil and Cam says things about brain damage. Mostly, I squeal, because I’m just so damn happy to see them back at it.

89. Brennan and Angela then do something I don’t think we’ve had enough of in a while.

90. They talk it out.

91. I mean, remember the last time they talked it out, and we learned that Brennan slept with Booth and it was pretty much amazing?

92. Yeah.

93. This is even more amazing.


95. Baby Michael.

96. Is.


98. Brennan tells Angela the living situation quandary, which, by employing adorableness and high tech gadgetry, Angela basically proves the point that Brennan needs to do what she says, because she is right about all things.

99. Which is basically what Angela always does by employing adorableness and high tech gadgetry.

100. While not sitting on a stool.

101. That’s right, kids.

102. STOOL WATCH IS BACK. And I’m not talking about Michael’s diapers.

103. Some of you, who may have been dedicated readers in the past know what this is, but to the newly initiated, let me tell you: I have exactly one gripe with Bones (which is half of what I used to have, the other one being that B/B were not having sex, but that’s obviously been eliminated). And it’s the fact that Angela has to stand all day in front of that big effing screen with no stool to speak of. I’m pretty sure this is an OSHA violation. I’m saying. All through Season 5 (with the exception of “Santa in the Slush,” where she was making a mold or something), Angela stood. And I did not stand for it. Thus, we have Stool Watch.

104. Week 1: No stool.

105. Also, I really love that Brennan goes to Angela when she’s “emotional.” Because Angela is sort of her navigator in these situations. Angela explains that Brennan is “never going to be alone again,” and I pretty much die. Because she’s right. And Brennan’s ready for it. She is. Booth made her be ready, the same way she did, by proving that people don’t leave, they stay, and they love you, and OH MY GOD. This is just the greatest pay off of anything. AND there’s still drama.

106. GOD.


108. I really love ED’s acting and facial expressions in the episode. She’s feeling so much, because of the baby, and because she’s letting herself feel things, finally, and you can see that it’s hard for her. Brennan does not have an easy time with any of this, but she WANTS it, and if we know anything about her, it’s that she doesn’t give up on things just because they’re hard. She is determined and committed, and she usually gets what she wants when she’s that way.

109. Booth’s the same way. And they know these things about each other. And there’s no way they can do this without all of the shit before.


111. We ID our victim - her name is Claire. She’s pretty. She’s been missing a lot. It is suspicious.

112. Seriously, that will be the extent of my recapping the case - very basic. There’s so much else to do!

113. As it so happens, Claire was pretty beat up, both at death, and months before. Booth and Sweets inform her husband, whose name I don’t care to know, because he is going to be called The Creeper. I don’t care that he’s not actually the murderer, or that he is a pastor. He’s creepy as shit.

114. Claire had retrograde amnesia, which caused her to do some nutties and go missing. Basically.

115. At the diner - OH DINER! - Brennan eats all the food, INCLUDING PIE. Y’all. THE PIE. Which Sweets said Booth was always trying to give Brennan because he really wanted to give Brennan sex, which he now does give her, so he’s kind of being a little fussy about the pie.

116. Can “love” be overused?

117. Well, no. As we learn later in this episode.

118. Also: Brennan calls God a sociopath, Booth is huffy about it, and these people are the same people they always were.

119. Except that they are better.

And that’s exactly what it’s like.

They still argue.


Sometimes yell.

But there’s no hiding. Anything. Because it’s eventually said. They can say it. There’s nothing to lose. Before, it felt like the entire world would collapse if they tried and failed. That it would all hurt too much.

But they both know, this thing, it’s a forever thing. The next 30, or 40, or 50 years. Beyond that. So you can argue, and bicker, and sometimes yell, because at the end of it, there’s an “I love you/I love you, too,” and it’s funny how that’s all that really matters.

How that’s been the only thing that really mattered, all along.

120. Also, when Brennan says, “our child,” I died.

121. Then, she goes entirely off of the rails, saying yes, let’s move in together, and like the Iroquois, you should move in with me since I am carrying the baby and have more money and stuff.

122. Oh, Brennan.

123. You…

124. You know, she’s trying. She is. And Booth, honestly, I get his being upset, I just wish he hadn’t said, “We’re family. Even you know what that means,” because it was sort of mean, but he’s crazy hurt, and like I said above, they don’t have to hold back anymore.

125. This is just a heartbreaking moment, because you know he’s frustrated and hurt, and she’s frustrated and hurt, and that’s why this is brilliant beyond measure. Because in addition to being able to know that they can say anything, that means they’re going to say things that sometimes hurt, and they’re going to have to work past that. The best thing about this baby deal is that you know there’s no splitting up. They’re getting a house, they’re going to raise a child. But that also necessitates more honesty. Sometimes, they’re going to fuck it up. It’s glorious.

126. Sweets comes in, sees the awkward after spewing out some case stuff, and Booth jets, because like Brennan, he compartmentalizes with work.

127. Brennan, with a sad face of sad, proceeds to kill me.

128. At the lab, there’s more science-y stuff. I…don’t care. Can we forgive me for only recapping this case sporadically? Because, maybe even more than usual, it is really just a vehicle to service the story. And, I don’t know if you’ve heard, but after six years of our watching, and something closer to eight for the characters, BOOTH AND BRENNAN ARE HITTIN’ IT ON THE REG.

129. Translation (haha, which reminds me of this): These are not normal circumstances.

130. Anyway, at the Jeff, Wendell and Hodgins talk about tenacious cotton, which is just waiting to be the name of a “rock/country” band. Really. It is.

131. Booth drives he and Sweets to talk to The Guy Who is Obviously the Killer - I mean, the victim’s psychiatrist - who we are foreshadowed probably has a gambling problem.

132. Like Booth used to. In case you haven’t heard.

133. Sweets - God love him, he really does have some balls, staring like that - makes another move to discuss what’s up with Booth and Bones (oh, I can tell you EXACTLY what’s up), and Booth just kills it: “No. No. Are you kidding me right now? Your voice gets so…sensitive. It’s irritating.” And I really liked this, because Booth is treating Sweets sort of like a friend/little brother instead of a co-worker who he’s not letting up in his shit. That’s when I like their relationship best - when Booth is treating Sweets like this.

134. At the super-fake Yazrick Center for Weird Psychological Shit and It Looks Like Maybe Some Camping, Art Classes, and Yoga, Yazrick proceeds to throw a patient under the bus to save his own ass. Booth surmises that the patient, who had an attachment to Claire, “Sound like a stalker.”

135. Brennan is in Limbo, and Cam is looking fabulous, which happens just about every episode. It’s clear that Brennan’s having some personal drama - going on about memories, having the chance to start a new life - and it doesn’t take much for Cam to catch the scent. She asks Brennan if she’s okay, a few times, but Brennan just complains of being fatigued more easily than she’s used to.

136. By the way, I don’t say this enough, but I really love the Cam/Brennan dynamic. Cam gets Brennan’s need/ability to compartmentalize, because she has that, too. She’s a very logical, very accomplished scientist who clearly had a part of her life where she didn’t let a whole lot of people in. But unlike Brennan, we’ve seen that Cam had parents, and sibling(s), and she’s taken in Michelle - Cam really does love people. She is fiercely protective of her Squints, too. But maybe better than anyone, she gets Brennan, understands burying her life in the work, because she did that for a while, too, I think. And she really does respect what Brennan can do. She’s a better manager, of course, because she understands people pretty well, but she knows she’ll never be a better scientist, and instead of being bitchy/catty/jealous, she just respects.

137. And that’s another thing about this show - they don’t show women being extremely awful with one another. A lot of times, professional women are perceived as being bitchy because they stand up for themselves, do “things that men do,” but at no point are we supposed to feel that way about Brennan, Cam, or Angela. Anyway. TANGENT.

138. Back at YCWPSILLMSCACY, Booth and Sweets talk to the patient/violinist/Maybe Stalker/Not Killer/Guy Under Bus. They find linseed oil. It’s all pretty sad and creepy, because that guy’s just really effed up.

139. You guys! It’s Michael! In another adorable hat! Babies come with hats! Angela brings Michael into Hodgins’s lab. They are busted in about 20 seconds:

Cam: You both know the rules.

Angela: Yeah, but he doesn’t.

140. Angela is both adorable and sacrifices her son to the wolves. And I love it.

141. Hodgins tells Cam, very quickly, hoping not to incur wrath, that the linseed oil Booth found isn’t a match. Michael makes babies noises, and my ovaries asplode.

142. Cuteness ensues.

Cam: Don’t be brinin’ no babies.

Michael: Adorable face of adorable.

Angela: But Michelle gets to come play!

Cam: Michelle is 18 and not likely to accidently destroy things (adorable as it may be for Michael to do it).

Michael: Even more adorableness.

Cam: I am goo putty in your baby hands.

Angela: He likes you.

Cam: I’m saying threatening things, but Baby Michael is my kryptonite.

Hodgins: That’s my boy.

O’Brien: LOVE.

143. I can’t wait until B/B have their baby, and then Michael/BBBaby are like, kickin’ it, and painting, doing things with bugs and particulates, having cool belt buckles and crazy socks, and solving crimes, and maybe falling in love. Because that’s the dream. That would be more awesome than I could handle.

144. At an Undisclosed Coffee Cart Location, Booth is being sad, and Brennan is sad back. She apologizes, saying maybe she didn’t explain herself, and Booth, being Booth says, oh, no, I heard you, but I did some Googling, and I get to shoot you in the leg with an arrow.

145. Or something.

146. Mostly, can I just say how much I love the fact that Booth, instead of going straight for the emotional argument, did some Google/Wiki action? Because he gets this. He’s going to have to fight her with facts. He knows her that well.

147. Why does he know her that well?

Because it’s not logical.

For him to know her like this. She’s not easy to get to know. She doesn’t open herself up to people.

But she opened herself up to him.


148. “Look, Bones. I love you. That’s not rational. Us having a kid - that’s not rational. But here we are.”

149. Wow.

150. Just.

151. It happened.

152. It really did.

153. Go ahead, watch it again. As many times as you need.

154. The look on her face - this look where she’s still trying to believe this. I mean, she does believe it, but it’s almost unreal, that someone would tell her that, so open-


Not someone.

That he would do it.

That Booth would do it.

That Booth would look at her, with all of the honesty he has, and say, “I love you.”

It’s not the first time, or the last time (not nearly, for either, not even close).

He says these things. He makes her feel these things, like she’s won something that she just doesn’t know if she’s earned. And she wants to earn things.

She wants to earn Booth.

It feels like maybe she can, if she tries. But even if she can’t, he’s won’t leave.

Do you know what that’s like? To believe that someone will not leave. She’s still wrapping her head around it.

And the look on his face.

He can say this to her, and she stays. She stays, when all the other people he tells leave.

And the phone rings - oh, let it - because he’s sitting with her at an Undisclosed Coffee Cart location, and he loves her, and they’re having a child, and it’s not logical, and of course he doesn’t care, but she doesn’t care either.

(But what he may never understand is that loving Booth, to Brennan, is entirely logical, and is all about Proof, but he doesn’t have to understand it, because he embodies it.)

155. Booth answers his phone - it’s the news we already know from Hodgins, and he’s got to jet-

156. Brennan: “Uh..I. I love you too, Booth.”

157. Oh, take your time again.

158. Take all the time you need.


160. Booth smiles, “I know.” They just killed this scene. KILLED IT. She says it like it’s hard for her, and look, it is. She’s not used to saying those words, to meaning them, but she is, and she does. Booth, more than anyone, knows what it costs her, and that’s why he’s the guy she says them to, because he’s the one who gets it, the one who makes her feel it.

161. And we don’t get here without every single bit of awful we’ve endured for this. I maintain that they did this thing not a second too soon or early.

162. Also a nice touch: Brennan picks up Booth’s abandoned cup and drinks from it. I’m just saying. I love that. When you’re in a relationship with someone, and you’re comfortable, eating and drinking after them is just no big deal. It was subtle, but nice.

163. (What happens between us is ours.)

164. Booth and Sweets discuss the possibility that the Creeper might have beat his wife, while over at the Jeff, Wendell finds out that Claire was shot, and we might be able to get some clues from the bullet striations in the bone. Booth talks to the Creeper, who gets not less creepy, and honestly, I don’t doubt he beat Claire and hit it with the lady who hung out with them a lot. For someone who just lost his wife, he’s too smirky.

165. I love Brennan’s pregnant lady shirt, btw.

166. Angela does some cool thingy - sans stool - with her big mofo tv thing, and then interrogates Brennan on the Living with Booth So She Can Always Be Sexin’/Having Her Family in One Place Issue (that first part is implied because, you know, ANGELA).

167. Brennan Brennanizes, “Market bad, irresponsible, blah.” Angela, finally cutting through the shit (what she does best): “Look, honey, you wound up in foster care, and that would make anyone scared about starting a family.”

168. BOOM. Angela’d.

169. Brennan says she didn’t say anything about that, but Angela’s hit the nail on the head, and continues to drive it into the wall: “Those memories don’t have to rule your life. Remember the time with your mom and dad. Have that life.” It’s almost like Angela’s begging her, pleading with her, because you just know she wants so badly for Brennan to let herself have this, and be happy. Angela really does have the patience of Job - you know she’s wanted to shake her probably a billion times over Booth-related issues. I love Angela’s fighting for Brennan, because she knows for a lot of reasons, sometimes Brennan needs help fighting for herself. I think that’s part of why Angela has shipped the two of them forever; she saw that in Booth, too, early on; that he would help Brennan fight for herself, and she would help him, too.

170. How much do I love Angela?

171. Jesus. Lots.

172. At YCWPSILLMSCACY, Yazrick is informed that Claire had been shot. He knows nothing, except that he killed her, but we’re not there yet. Hodgins says German stuff at the Jeff, about a field spade that is clearly the murder weapon.

173. Booth chases down this being shot thing, and talks to a Shader who drops that he and Claire/Brenda/The Victim stole a big ol’ pile of cash, which they happened to bury where she was found being really dead. Curiouser and curiouser this becomes.

174. Sweets tries to build a timeline with Chinese food at what appears to be the only conference room in all of Hoover, because it’s the only one we ever see.

175. This all just makes me want some decent Chinese food.

176. More importantly, Brennan calls Booth. He starts to mea culpa, and then loses his shit, hopping into the Sequoia (can we pretend I’ve already made my common complain that this is not a Chevy Tahoe, and that the fed gov wouldn’t buy a foreign car? Oh, look, I just did), and flashing lights while he speeds to the Jeff.

177. Booth barrels into Brennan’s office, which is flooded with wooden crates. Brennan, it seems, has fallen down due to being unused to her center of gravity. After being sure that Brennan and BBBaby is okay, he takes a picture (of course he does - I am loving that), and pulls her up.

178. Booth: Why didn’t you just call the security guard?

Brennan: But I didn’t think of that; I just thought of you.

179. The brief look on Booth’s face says it all - stunned amazement, really. That that’s what this is. She falls down, and she doesn’t think of another person before she thinks of him. That he is that present in her mind, all of the time, every moment. She falls down, she calls Booth. And it’s not logical, or rational. She could have called any number of people who could be there much faster. And the entire time she’s down there and stuck, the only person she wants to pull her up is Booth. He just looks struck by it.

180. It’s really one of the most beautiful things about the show now, they way that they can still amaze one another.

181. Booth offers an apology for pushing Brennan about moving in. The great thing about this is that this the point where Brennan could take an out, before Booth goes on, and she chooses not to.

182. You know why.

183. No changes.

184. No takebacks.

185. Anyway, Booth goes on to explain that he wants this baby to know that he’s not his awful father, and that “he was a good dad who gave him a real home.” I’m sure this has something to do with his father, but I suspect it’s more tied to Parker, and not having primary custody.

186. Then, one of my favorite moments - no, probably my favorite moment ever - between B/B happens.

Brennan: Why didn’t you just say that?

Booth: I didn’t think you’d understand.

Brennan: I don’t. I know you’re not your father.

187. Really, just that. It’s perfect. One of my favorite exchanges between the two of them happened in “The Science in the Physicist” in season four. I can’t even remember who said what part: I heard you, but I just didn’t understand you./I think that about you all of the time. It doesn’t matter who said which, because they both feel that way. They have listened, keep trying to listen, and they don’t always understand. They know they don’t understand. BUT THEY KEEP LISTENING. Because they WANT to understand.

188. God, I love Show.

189. Also, “Why didn’t you just say that?” is the question that everyone on the planet has been asking for the past six years, and for the first time ever, Brennan is audience surrogate.

190. It’s a moment truly worth noting.

191. And then, y’all, shit just gets AWESOME!

192. Brennan has decided that getting a place together is a good thing, which
pleases Booth, obviously. And why has she made this decision? “Lying here, I’ve had a lot of time to think. Longer than I expected; you must have run into traffic (cue Brennan’s confused/WTF were you doing face; Booth’s are you fucking kidding me? face; O’Brien’s OMG you realize you have to be dating for years to get to this level, ergo, you’ve been dating without sex for years, God knows why, but we got there in the end! face). Anyway, I realize this is just one of many unforeseen situations that I might find myself in now that we’re starting a family (WE!!!!!! NEVER HAS IT EVER BEEN BETTER USED!!!!). And since I can always depend on you to assist when needed, whether it be practically, emotionally, or (face of you remember this morning after we got the murder call/before we actually went to our murder/because damn, that was hot) sexually (Booth face of WHO DA MAN/O’Brien face of OH MOTHERFUCKING YES LIFE SHOW YES!), being in close proximity would facilitate that. And if the only way for that to occur is to find another dwelling, then I’m willing to do that. Even though it’s a foolish investment in this market.”

193. Booth expresses that he wanted something more romantic, but he knows that’s probably a lost cause, so he’s deciding making out will just have to do.


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199. Which is cut far, FAR too short by Brennan’s remembering that they didn’t inspect anything under the paint on the rocks at the crime scene. And Booth was just going for her neck, too, which…damn.

200. Booth: (in a clearly agitated and ready to rock state) That was our mo-…that was our moment, right there?

201. O’Brien: Booth, don’t act like you didn’t sign up for this. Seriously. You know she’s nuts.

202. Brennan: I would have seen this before if I wasn’t awash in hormones. And the face Booth makes…well, you know he’s enjoying Brennan’s pregnancy crazy just a little bit more than he probably thinks he should…but man, HE IS LOVING THIS. Brennan wants the rocks spattered with paintball inspected.

203. At the Diner, Booth Boothies out that Yazrick still has a gambling problem.

204. You know.

205. BECAUSE BOOTH USED TO GAMBLE. I have a concussion from how hard I’ve been hit over the head with this.

206. What happens next is that Hodgins and My New Boyfriend Wendell find some of Yazrick’s gum, which Brennan gets smirky about (though she first mentions, “Booth keeps calling; he needs evidence.” I’m also hoping there is some sexting). Additionally, Brennan must have the best eyesight ever. Which Booth must also have, since he’s a sniper. So I’m thinking that their BBBaby will be able to see in 4D.

207. At YCWPSILLMSCACY, Booth calls Yazrick out, and he’s arrested, and seriously, do any of us give a shit? Not us, probably, but Sweets is pretty offended, since this guy used their shared profession to steal money and kill someone. I liked the moment.

208. At what I think is Booth’s apartment - because we know Brennan wouldn’t have a TV in the bedroom, or maybe at all, still - Booth gets rowdy about a football game.

Brennan: That was very loud, Booth.

Booth: (boyish adorableness in full swing) It’s sports. It’s supposed to be loud.

Brennan: When we find a house, I don’t want a TV in the bedroom. Research shows it can compromise your sex life (implication: there will be so much sex).

Booth: (because he wants all of the sex) We’ll get a big one for the family room; how’s that?

209. I know we all thought of the last scene of “Baby in the Bough” on that one. My God. This is actually happening. ALL OF THE STUFF. That they shook in front of our faces and we instinctively batted at, like cats.

210. Brennan and Booth look at houses. Booth wants a big yard, they both want a tree house (I love that). Brennan’s all, “Oh, this is only $3 Million dollars,” and Booth puts the breaks on that quickly, saying, “50/50, all of the way.” Brennan comments that that will mean they’ll have to blow up any pool they have, and Booth says, yeah, but they’ll be great memories.

211. The money issue is going to be a major problem; we all know it. Booth isn’t going to the type of guy who feels right about paying less than half for something in a relationship. Brennan’s going to think this is ridiculous, because she’s rich; however, you know I can so see her saying, “Well, I paid for X, so I should make the decision about it,” and not really meaning it that way, you know? I don’t think it would ever be a situation where she would feel like Booth’s not her equal in the relationship sense, and I think she’d share any money or thing she has with him without caring about it (Dear Parker, If you can get into an awesome school, go for it, because Step Mom Bones would SO cover you on that.), but you and I both know how much Brennan loves quantifiability and value that’s outside of emotional factors, so it’s really all a train wreck waiting to happen. I mean, she’ll grow past that, and Booth will grow past his insecurity, too, but it’s not going to be an easy frolic. That’s what’s really brilliant about all of this, though.

212. But they’ll come out of it, stronger than ever.

213. Why?

214. Booth: We can have whatever life we want. You know that, right?

Brennan: New memories, new life.

215. Then, Booth does the Most Adorable Thing In History, and makes this great, gooby face, and “rubba da belly, belly rub, kiss da belly, love-a the baby in the belly.” Brennan recognizes this as completely ridiculous…but that it’s more completely ridiculous cute to the max.

216. And Booth again wrecks my standards for men, as if he hadn’t done it thoroughly enough already.

217. Then, Brennan goes on about wanting horses (I think all girls want horses), and Booth comments, “Why did I think this was going to be easy?” Brennan says, “That’s what you like about me, that I’m not easy,” and Booth volleys, “Not all of the time,” and from the smugness that I detect, even though the camera is zooming out, and Brennan’s pause before she responds, Booth’s indicating that sometimes, Brennan IS easy, and well, you take that how you want.

218. And you know exactly how I’ll take it. Hubba-hubba.

219. Look, I know there are some people who are still all fussed about not seeing the sex.

220. Let’s just get that out there.

221. But I’m telling you, it’s better this way. You know why? Because touches that would send us into a tailspin before now send us into another tailspin, but in a different way. There’s something great about this. It’s like they’re in an old movie, and they have to keep one foot on the floor (as if you couldn’t do plenty that way). Have you seen Philadelphia Story? With Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant? They kiss once in the whole thing, but they’re top notch chemistry through. And Nick and Nora - my god. They were married the entirety of The Thin Man series, slept in separate beds, and were still super hot together. I always got the feeling that HH/SN want this show to have that undercurrent, and they’re nailing it. If you want to see them hittin’ it, it’s not happening. But we get the gift of seeing all of this comfortably play out, and it’s great. I don’t need to see them being very polite to one another and walking on egg shells and being really happy but being afraid they’re going to fall apart any second. I like that we jumped in to where Booth’s pushing to move in while Brennan is passive aggresiving and they’re saying “I love you” at coffee carts like it’s no big thing. Because they don’t act at all like it’s breakable.

222. “They don’t act like it’s breakable.”

“It’s the weirdest thing, isn’t it. It’s like they’ve been together the whole time.”

“You’re kidding, right?”


“Honey, they HAVE been together the whole time.”

“But Ange-“

“No, Jack, sweetie, they have.”

“But what about Hannah? And who was the douchey guy who asked Brennan to run away with him-“

“Sully, and he wasn’t douchey, he was dreamy.”

“He wasn’t right for her.”

“I agree. And… wait a second.”


“Why did you think he wasn’t right for her?”

“I don’t know. I guess I just thought there were better people for her.”

“Jack, did you…I mean, have you been Team Booth this whole time?”

“What are you talking about, Team Booth?”

“Oh, you know, like Team Edward, Team Jacob, etc.”


“Twilight, Jack.”

“You mean that weird vampire shit you made me watch?”

“You liked the fight scenes.”

“Only because I wanted them all to die so it could be over. And it was just so scientifically inaccurate.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m saying the scientific paradigm underwhich the vampires and the werewolves - especially the werewolves - operated was illogical.”

“You know, sometimes I forget how science-y you are. Is it weird I think it’s hot?”

“Not if works, baby.”

“Okay, breaks. Sex in a minute. I want to finish this. You were Team Booth!”

“I don’t know that I really had a team. Or how do you know I didn’t want Booth and Hannah together?”

“Because that’s ridiculous. She was ridiculous. I mean, no one is that cool.”

“You are.”

“I’m way cooler than she is, but that’s another story. But super hot blonde reporter who gets shot likes it’s nothing and is super cool with her boyfriend being BFF with his very attractive work partner, who he admittedly had some feelings for, who admittedly had some feeling for him? I mean, seriously. No one is that secure. There was something wrong with her. She just left before I had time to figure it out.”

“God, Ange. Don’t hold back.”

“I did not like that woman. Did you really want Booth with her?”

“I wouldn’t say yes even if I did. Out of fear of harm from you, who is beautiful, and so very much cooler than Hannah ever dreamed.”

“But really. I promise not to pounce. Not in a way you won’t like, anyway. Did you?”

“I mean, I guess not. You were pregnant at the time. I was kind of too distracted to sort out the Booth/Dr. B melodrama.”

“Ugh. These are the times I need to talk to Sweets.”


“Because he’ll talk with me about this.”

“You’re kidding. You and Sweets have girl chat about Booth and Brennan?”

“It’s not girl chat. It’s trading information. We couldn’t trust them to get this right themselves. I mean, you’ve seen them.”

“Yeah, Ange. I have. And like you said, what they have now, they act like it’s not breakable.”

“As much as I want them to be together...you know it is, right? Breakable?”

“Everything is. We broke, once.”


“But we found each other again. And they’ve broken a few times before, in their own way. They always find each other.”

“You really do say…I mean, for all of the hot science-y stuff, which makes me a freak for liking - you really do say some fantastic things sometimes.”

“We could be doing something fantastic if you’d just-“

“You really are Team Booth!”

“God, again?”

“I feel like winning this.”

“If you do, can we have sex?”


“Then yeah, I guess I am.”

“I’m making you a T-shirt.”

“Shut up.”

“We can have matching ones.”

“No. That’s not manly. Give it to Sweets.”

“I’ll get a onesie for Michael.”

“I will not allow you to subject our child to this.”

“I bet I could convince you.”

“I’d like to see you try.”

“Say something science-y.”

“The mass spectrometer discerned some highly concentrated levels of tenacious cotton-“

angela/hodgins, bones, episode commentary, season 7, fanfic, booth/brennan, 7x01

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