Pretty sure I'm going to die

May 20, 2010 18:58

I've had WAY too much caffeine today, and I?


Thus, I'm going to ask you this, friends.  Would you mind, very much, if I jumped ahead to this episode for full commentary and picked up the ones I haven't done during the summer?  Because I've had a crazy thought.

That crazy thought is The Livecap.

Look, I've read all of the spoilers, seen all the articles, but I still have no freaking clue how this episode is going to end, or what's going to happen. So, in that spirit, I think I'm going to recap it as I watch it.  All the commentary?  As it happens.  All the mini-fic?  As it happens.  And when I'm done, I'm posting it at bones_ga , and then here.  Is this a way to get you to join BGA?  Fuck yes.  I make no excuses.  It is awesome and the Home of Happy.

I can't promise I won't cave and just watch Show, but I'm going to try.  HOLY SHIT THREE  TWO MINUTES.

Also, because I'm doing this, DO NOT POST IN THIS POST WHAT HAPPENS AT THE END OF THE EPISODE.  If you want to discuss the episode as it happens, there are watch-along posts at BGA.


ETA: LiveCap completed.  I'm formatting, then posting.  WHAT A RIDE.

bga, season 5, bones, finale

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