The Carebears Were Here

Jun 16, 2009 15:43

I was in Day 2 of the Real Property lecture for bar review today.  I got some doughnut holes for me and my friends who sit with me, and then, I sort of made this happen.

I take notes during the lectures with different colored pens in an attempt to keep myself interested.  CLEARLY, THIS IS NOT WORKING.

In other news, I may or may not have gotten myself into a completely awesome apartment from which to start my lawyerly life from when I move after the bar exam.  Whether or not I will actually have furniture in it will depend on whether or not I can start my lease in September instead of August.  I'm going to do some negotiating this Friday; let's hope some of those skills I picked up in school pay off.

ALSO, I learned that Bones premiers on the same day I (1) find out my bar exam results and (2) have to go to the middle of nowhere to be in a wedding.  I am guessing there will either be (a) celebratory drinking or (b) a suicide watch (perhaps brought on by drinking to drown my sorrows?).  All I'm saying is this: Hart Hanson, September 17 is clearly a day of fragility for me.  DON'T SCREW ME OVER BUDDY.

Now, I'm going to take a break from making flash cards for Criminal Law/avoiding making flash cards by writing/reading fic and go the million degree heat...because at least it's not the law.

10 points to whomever gets the reference in the title of this post!

weddings, the law, bones, doughnuts, tom hanks, the bar exam

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