FlashbackRecap: 1x15 - Fun With Kidnapping, Part I

Mar 08, 2010 00:24

I popped in the DVD, and it should be noted, I checked out the last of “The Woman in the Garden” before I got to work on this. As if I need to tell you why. But I will.

It contains a Top Five Hottest Booth Moment. The unrestrained anger, his protective instinct, the absolute, definitive, overwhelming lack of doubt that Booth means what he says. ( Read more... )

episode commentary, that which shall not be named, season 1, fanfic, flashback recap

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Comments 23

kita0610 March 8 2010, 07:04:59 UTC
I should probably be more eloquent, but it's late and I'm tired. So. Your love of David Boreanaz (and Angel and Booth) makes me a very happy Kita. Yes.


thatonekimgirl March 8 2010, 07:55:19 UTC
I love how much you love this show, and how much you love DB. And this post is so loooooooooong - it's impressive!


mnemonicer March 8 2010, 08:14:10 UTC
Boneless Bride is 2nd Season, right? Cause that's one of my fav eps. It has my fav quote of all time from the show - Angela's whimsy quote.

You gotta stop writing recaps that say exactly what I think. There's dozens of moments where I find myself nodding and going "Yep, I remember thinking that." Add in all the law stuff and it's really quite creepy. ;)



georgley March 8 2010, 08:46:15 UTC
Awesome recap! Love this episode and I love that David and Emily did a commentary for it. They really need to do a commentary together on the season 5 DVDs.

Can't wait for the next recap!


bonesparticulat March 8 2010, 09:11:30 UTC
I bow to your wisdom! Thanks. ;-)


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