Dear 2009 (or Ficpocolypse 2009),

Dec 31, 2009 20:10

You really need to GTFO.

You were going awesome for me for so long.  Why?  Because:
-domination of the 3L year of law school
-passing the bar
-baller apartment
-a deepening and even more unabiding love of Bones
-did I mention employment?  With the paychecks?  And the apartment?  And the being a lawyer (the feeling of which I compare to how NFL players must feel about being in the NFL)?

Things were going so awesome, I actually thought to myself, "Self, things are badass.  You are so badass; I mean, look at you, in that red wool coat your mom gave you early for Christmas, and those black leather boots which you bought with your own money.  You are such a badass....when is that other shoe going to drop?"

And then, you really had to fuck it, didn't you?  You had to go and drop that goddamn shoe:
-On the First Day of Christmas, my grandmother did her gymnastics routine off the front porch AND DID NOT STICK THE LANDING (by "gymnatics routine" I mean "fell" and by "DID NOT STICK THELANDING" I mean "landed in a shitton of mud, instead of concrete, because I was able to redirect her.")
-On the Second Day of Christmas, I took my mother to the ER.

Things that are still good:
-Everyone is okay.
-Thank GOD, everyone is okay
-My work has been very understanding, and let me stay here to take care of my family, because I am the only person really eligible for the job.

Things that are Harbingers of Doom:
-the heat went out
-there was a dead frog in the kitchen
-I was nearly killed by a car
-I feel certain a toilet will fall from the sky onto my head.

Things that still suck:
-I was going to have a New Year's party
-I was going to have many friends stay with me for the weekend
-I was going to be partying like it's 2009
-I am now partying like it's 1999 - i.e., I am in my mother's living room, Carson Daly is going to be on TV (which I refuse to watch...which is unlike 1999), and the most fun I'm going to have tonight is watching the TV and playing around on the internet.

Possible cures for my ailments (of woe):
-a Glee marathon
-a Bones marathon
-a HIMYM marathon
-Ficpocolypse 2009 (infra)
-spending my feelings via Amazon, J.Crew, etc.
-and yet, more liquor


I am going to try to clean out my leftover stores of B/B fic, and spam your F-lists with them.  Also, if someone posts a prompt, I will write on that prompt for 30 minutes (at a minimum) or an hour (at a maximum) and post the result.  Because I am (a) sad I had to cancel my party and (b) I feel guilty about feeling sad because (c) THANK GOD EVERYONE IS OKAY.  I am set and determined not to be a Debbie Downer.  I'm not inherently peppy, but I'm not always, "Oh, woe of woes, hear me complain, my life is horrible, wah," because I mostly feel really goddamned lucky.  I'm pretty positive.  I try to be.  I AM TRYING.

Anyway, 2009, go fuck yourself.  Let the drinking commence!


glee, bones, obrien talks through epistolary means, ficpocolypse 2009, fanfic, liquor, 2009 gtfo, i'm drinking, how i met your mother, master of disaster

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