Courtesy of smirabi
Want to be interviewed? Here's what to do:
Leave me a comment saying "I want to be interviewed." I'll ask you five questions. You then post those five questions along with your answers and this explanation in your own journal and have fun.
1. what drives you to succeed in life?
Hrmmm. That's intense.
A combination of things, in no particular order:
- The desire for stuff.
- My desire to make Jaime happy.
- My desire to feel needed, respected
Really, right now I want to make a name for myself in my company, and in my industry. I really think I'm picking up the topics quickly and easily, and I really enjoy working with the stuff I've been focusing on. It really helps that I like most of the people I work with, so I want to contribute to our larger efforts.
One reason I enjoy working overtime sometimes is because I work with a really great team that appreciates my efforts, helping me feel needed and respected, and another reason is the bigger paycheck I get the following week. Having the freedom to buy the occasional nicety for myself, or buy clothes when I feel like I want them, instead of rarely getting to go shopping, is such an agreeable lifestyle to me. My uncle once told me "Money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure does give you a lot of options." I have a lot more options now than I did a year ago, and thats a good feeling.
I think my parents play into this as well. Wanting them to be proud of me has really become an important part of my life. I went from being an annoyed teenager to an eager son. Not having to live with them has certainly helped, but also I now have a better understanding of the sacrifices they've made for me, and even continue to make. Knowing that I don't have to rely on them (as much) is a huge source of pride for me.
Of course, I am really in love with Jaime, and I want to make her happy, and hopefully, eventually, provide for her. Maybe this doesn't exactly drive me to succeed, but it certainly drives some of my direction, and how careful I am in what I do. Succeeding would be for her to be with me.
2. when can we expect to see you start succeeding?
I think the fact that I am so in love with Jaime, and that our relationship is going so well, is a good answer to that. I feel like I am a success now. There's a lot of improvement I would like to see, in myself and in my status/situation, but I appreciate and enjoy the level of success I have achieved.
3. lol, that number two was a joke, you know i think you're the man... so here's a twosie for you: do you want kids, and if so, how many?
Haha, I know. I would like a kid, or maybe kids. Two is a good number. Three is getting to be maybe too many for me, but I could be OK with that. Four is just too many.
I mean, let's face it: they'd be MY kids. Can you imagine a pack of little me's running around? I couldn't handle that many me's. I have a hard enough time with just this one.
4. if we were JD and turk, which one would you be?
I'd be JD, and you'd be Turk, because you're the brutha. Sorry, but dems de rules.
Also, JD and I have the same facial expressions. I think its also clear that I get the hot chick every week, and you are best with Hispanic women.
5. who is the cat who won't cop out when there's danger all about??
Thaaaaaaat's riiight. Can you dig it?