Remember the
LJ mojo meme?
Part two is up.
All, I can say is:
Ha. Ha. Ha. Told you so. Also, not all of you who claim to have dated me actually did.
(Repeated here, so you don't need to click)
Anything you ever type into a web browser will be read by your:
parents, grandparents, children (I don't care if they won't exist for the next 20
Read more... )
Comments 30
Which brings me to a larger point and a rebuttal to your argument. You can find all sorts of embarrassing information on the internet, but that doesn't mean it's true. This is why wikipedia isn't considered a trustworthy reference. Anything you find I can casually dismiss with a "Sure, if you believe what you read on the internet," thus rendering the information relatively impotent.
But you can't dismiss information distributed over the internet as untrustworth just because it's distributed over the internet.
I thought of the crush meme when I first looked at the requirements for the meme, but when the only data it asked for was who I had dated, shrugged and said "the hell with it". It's not like that information isn't relatively public anyway.
(Although now it's interesting to see how people, including myself, define "dating".)
... though I suppose it's always possible someone else entered information on their behalf, too. this thing didn't have any serious attempt at authentication, IIRC.
I love a practical joke. Even when i'm on the receiving end (*blush*) as long as it is not too mean. And this doesn't seem mean, just pointed.
But, please, tell me i did date you. 'Cause otherwise, well, the number of people i have dated drops dramatically and i am also very confused. :-)
Okay, writing now.
obra: Command not found.
0.000u 0.000s 0:00.00 0.0% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
I can't figure out where to download the 'obra' package... hrm.
date: bad conversion
True, our orientations are incompatible in several ways. Unix is sm4rt!
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