Jan 21, 2013 01:50
Today, there is a dream that lingers in the sleeplessness of mankind. A dream that is to often clouded by the inadequacies of the human condition. A dream that is hidden most when fear and doubt have more consideration in the mind than of purpose, love and rational thought. A dream that can be hidden but never lost.
This dream, that all members of this world are distinct but equal to each other. That every individual will have their own Hopes, Dreams, Beliefs, and Aspirations. That although they maybe be different, it will never make them any less valuable of a human being. That no matter the race, gender, age or financial well being of an person, they all have the right to be who they will and have the right to live in this world.
We hold these truths to be self evident.
Those who would remember this dream are blessed. Those who act upon it are the saviors of this world.
No matter what part you play, big or small. We are the people, united with the cause of justice, liberty for all.