Yeah, I've been super busy lately and haven't really had time to finish much of anything outside of homework...and, you know...watching Very Important things on Hulu. There are some episodes that just won't wait. Latest few Dollhouse eps, anyone, anyone?
I guess there's really nothing for me to tell you guys. There is nothing interesting in my life. I'm doing homework. I probably won't see you all for a weekend or two, because it's getting to be super-awesome-rainbow-special-busy over here. And my shower paranoia is kicking in again, I must have another one! @___@
Don't click this cut unless you're prepared for a giant wad of ridiculousness. It took me a few days, off and on.
Absolute Boyfriend: Must finish drama starring the hottest man in the world! *^*
Babies: Cute.
Climate in Dorm Room: Shockingly habitable to human life forms.
Dollfies: Remind me to be happy
Essays: Will be finished soon, but in all likelihood not soon enough
Family Planning Sign: Do people even think when they make signs like these?
Gothic Lolita: Why does Metamorphose taunt me so?!
Hue Leaving for Vietnam: Giant sadface
Ian not hanging out with Jessica before leaving for Oberlin: Whoreface
Janitor blockading the hallway when I need a shower: Necessary evils of dorm life
Katie calling last night: I miss my shopping buddy! :'(
Laundry: Is something you have to dig through with a shovel in my room
Mizushima Hiro: Hottest man in the world. Do so very much want!
New Episodes of American Dad on Hulu: Helps me waste time
Oral Report in two weeks: Be prepared not to see me for two weekends. I'm going underground on this bitch.
Paying off first bit of massive debt to mother: Awesome potatoes
Qualms about the future: Not the first, and certainly not the last, but definitely not the worst
Radiohead: Constantly in my head
Shower paranoia: Is getting worse and worse, I have to shower at least once a day now. (Seriously, how awesome is this shower though? I'd shower in that...every night.
The Pagemaster: Movie of my childhood that no one has seen.
Universal Drug-induced loopiness on Dollhouse: Would have been hilarious if I hadn't been worried about everyone dying
Various Poems by Sylvia Plath: Make me jealous of her talent.
Weather: I like the cold in Spring. I am a freak, and I accept it. (especially if it makes people dress their dogs like this)
Xenophobic Conservative Japanese people: Make me afraid of going to Japan
Yo-Tenshi Wings: Taunt me with their adorableness and price tags
Zあんねんですけど、このセックションは終わったみたいですね?じゃねえ~!! ^^
In Other News: Jessica has five essays to write by the end of the week! Jessica is pulling out the delicate emotion tweezers for some giant splinters!