Feb 16, 2021 08:37

В Германии в марте 2020 создан и с тех пор действует специальный комитет правительства по борьбе с неправильным образом мысли. Комитет возглавляется лично Меркель.

За непродолжительное время своего действия комитет уже выделил 1.1 млрд. евро платежей для неправительственных организаций, различных групп Антифа и большого количества "демократических организаций гражданского общества".

Комитет также составил программу действий для правительства Германии из 89 пунктов, свёрстанную "с учётом мнений предствителей гражданского общества, особенно мигрантских организаций".

Цели программы:

«1. Повышать осведомленность о расизме как явлении, затрагивающем общество в целом, и создавать более совершенные государственные структуры в области борьбы с правым экстремизмом и расизмом; укреплять сотрудничество между органами безопасности, судебной системой, государством и организациями гражданского общества и улучшать эмпирическую базу;

2. Расширять и усиливать меры по предотвращению правого экстремизма и расизма, антисемитизма, исламофобии и всех других форм групповой вражды в обычных структурах во всех сферах общества, включая Интернет; дальнейшее развитие политического образования и демократической работы;

3. Расширить поддержку жертв расистской дискриминации и социальной среды; эффективно защищать жертв и улучшать устойчивые структуры для борьбы с расизмом;

4. Признание и ценение расово-разнообразного общества с равными возможностями и укрепление возможности равного участия в нём для людей с иммиграционным прошлым».

Спустя 75 лет после первой волны перевоспитания немецкому народу предстоит, наконец, вторая волна мозгомойки.

Термин «человеконенавистничество» идеально подходит для пресечения любого сопротивления политике правительства в зародыше. Критика бесконтрольной иммиграционной политики, мер Covid, феминизма, гендера, глобализации, левого терроризма и т.д. станут преследоваться Управлением по защите Конституции (немецкая политическая полиция) и «группами гражданского общества».

В дополнение к чудовищности использования такой огромной суммы денег налогоплательщиков совершенно беззастенчиво против политического противника, будет также нанесён неисчислимый ущерб сплоченности общества.

Клевета и обвинения будут и дальше разыгрываться государством - люди будут разделены на «хороших» и «плохих».

Страх перед государственными репрессиями, недоверие, негодование и разлад будут пронизывать и характеризовать немецкую жизнь.

Чтобы обрести представление о том, что Германию ждет впереди, стоит ознакомится с пунктами «каталога» из 89 мер. Даже если его чтение кажется утомительным, стоит внимательно прочесть каждое слово:

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№1 Adaptation of constitutional protection law with introduction of a legal basis for source telecommunication surveillance for the federal intelligence services (amendment of the Federal Constitutional Protection Act BVerfSchG)

№2 Antiziganism [Anti-Gypsyism] - Establishment of a national contact point within the framework of the EU Roma Strategy 2030

Independent monitoring and information center for racist, especially anti-Gypsy attacks

Evaluation of policies and strategies to combat antiziganism in cooperation with civil society

№4 Launch of a new prevention program “Democracy on the Net”

№7 Expansion of the intercultural and diversity-oriented opening of the public service (diversity strategy), e.g., through

- Reviewing selection procedures for the civil service

- Targeted campaigns to recruit more people with a migration background for the civil service

- Regular survey on diversity/diversity-measures in the public service

№10 Report by the Independent Expert Group on Muslim Hostility (UEM) with recommendations for action to combat anti-Muslim hatred and Islamophobic discrimination

№11 Preparation and updating of a situation-report on right-wing extremism in security agencies, extension to situation-report on public service as a whole

№12 Promoting the political and social engagement of migrant people

№13 Research project: Investigation of the everyday life of the police

№14 Research funding in the area of Islam/Muslimophobia

№15 Research study on everyday racism: development and prevalence of discriminatory acts in civil society, business and industry, and public institutions […]

№20 New, further measures within the framework of political education on specific phenomena (anti-Semitism, Muslimophobia, anti-gypsyism, anti-black racism)

№21 Program “Anti-racist education” (intensified commitment against racism and other forms of group-related hostility)

№22 Strengthening migrant organizations through model projects for qualification (Association Academy for Migrant Organizations), Houses of Resources

№23 […] Expansion of cooperation with security authorities in dealing with right-wing extremism, racism and anti-Semitism

№25 Increased awareness of racism, anti-Semitism and other forms of exclusion in education, training and continuing education in the public sector

№26 Education and training offer for police officers on anti-Semitism sensitization at the House of the Wannsee Conference


№29 Coming to terms with colonialism in an international context:

- Development of joint textbooks (target region Africa, Georg Eckert Institute)

- Expansion of the “kulturweit” volunteer program with Africa as a target region«

№31 Strategic communication abroad: dealing with disinformation and conspiracy mythologies from the right spanning populism, anti-Semitism and racism, increasing Germany-abroad funding (DiA)

№32 Study on Racism and patterns of exclusion in foreign cultural and educational policy with recommendations for action


№35 Federal government supports further training in the area of right-wing extremism/racism/anti-Semitism in the judiciary (training events at the German Judicial Academy, support for projects of the German Institute for Human Rights)

№36 Reformulation of Art. 3 of the Constitution, replacement of the term “race”

- Establishment of an expert working group between Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (BMJV) and Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Construction and Home Affairs (BMI)

№37 Practice-oriented jurisprudential research on law and racism

№38 Examination of how the confrontation with Nazi injustice can be achieved in legal training and, if necessary, how this can be ensured by amending the German Judges Act


№47 Sustainable expansion of political youth work in the regular structures of the federal government (child and youth plan - Kinder- und Jugendplan, KJP)

- Expansion of regular structures for political youth education,

- Establishment of nationwide interest groups, including Muslim, migrant and black youth initiatives of Muslim, migrant and black youth initiatives with base funding from the KJP

- Nationwide promotion of extracurricular memorial trips

- Expansion of democratic children’s and youth involvement

№52 Improvement of the legal and budgetary framework for the promotion of civil society engagement for democracy, diversity and against extremism. To this end, the BMI and BMFSFJ will promptly develop and then present key points for a law to promote defensible democracy

№53 Promotion of projects on the topic of anti-feminism and right-wing extremism

№54 Campaign on “Raising Awareness of Prejudice and Everyday Racism” as part of the federal program “LiveDemocracy!”

№62 Strengthening work against hate on the Net/digital hate violence, including expansion of the “Hate on the Net” competence center and new model project (with participation of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection)

№63 Strengthening political education in youth social work

№65 Further development of the federal “Live Democracy!” program

- Expansion of local commitment (further partnerships for democracy)

- Improve existing victim and affected person counseling in the federal states the federal states + support of the federal association

- Further development of existing competence centers and networks, e.g., racism against black people, Islam- and Muslimophobia, antiziganism, anti-Semitism, right-wing extremism - incl. expansion of pheno-specific community-based monitorings

- Further development of disengagement and distancing

- Strengthening work against conspiracy ideologies


№67 Strengthening research on right-wing extremism, racism, anti-Semitism and other forms of group-based hostility (e.g., antiziganism), improving the research data infrastructure and sustainably anchoring the research field at universities. As well as the historical and contemporary reappraisal of the emergence of right-wing extremism and racism.

№71 […] Establishment and expansion of concrete projects of reappraisal, documentation and mediation in BKM-funded institutions and at project partners on the topic of colonial history, effects of colonialism and racism as well as dealing with collection items from colonial contexts, especially in museums such as the German Historical Museum and the international lighthouse project Humboldt Forum.

№72 “Lighthouse Project”: new type of operational preventive measure: New Start Initiative Cultural Integration, i.e., broadly effective campaigns, solidarity actions and impulse projects of the “Initiative Cultural Integration” with a focus on combating right-wing extremism, anti-Semitism and racism are to be promoted in order to carry out operationally effective cultural activities in a broad societal consensus and network of the state (federal government, states, municipalities) and civil society with major umbrella organizations such as the Central Council of Jews

№73 Strengthening media competence, media diversity and media pluralism as a core element of democracy; establishing and expanding prevention projects against hate speech and propaganda, prevention on the Net [i.e., “We want media diversity except any media that allows “hate speech” must be prevented.]


№75 Naturalization offensive: shall specifically promote the possibility of naturalization in order to enable well-integrated foreigners who meet legal requirements to participate fully

№80 Initiation of dialogue between the federal government, the states and civil society on intercultural diversity in framework curricula and diversity competence in initial and in-service teacher training

№83 Supporting municipal concepts and dialogues in dealing with diversity and hostility and strengthening municipal (political) decision-makers through qualification projects in dealing with right-wing extremism and racism

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