Демографические альтернативы для России
Лекция Анатолия Вишневского Ссылки:
"Демографические катастрофы ХХ века" (глава из книги "Демографическая
модернизация России, 1900-2000" / Под ред. А.Г. Вишневского. - М., "Новое
издательство", 2006)
"Демографические альтернативы для России" (стенограмма лекции известного
российского демографа, руководителя Центра демографии и экологии человека,
доктора экономических наук Анатолия Вишневского, прочитанной 15 сентября 2005
г. в клубе «Улица ОГИ» в рамках проекта "Публичные лекции "Полит.ру")
"Модернизация в
России оказалась незавершенной" ( интервью с Анатолием Вишневским)
"Демоскоп Weekly" - электронная версия
бюллетеня "Население и общество" Центра демографии и экологии человека
Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН
Абсолютно необходимые для чтения по теме книги Гундарова (одного из ведущих
научных сотрудников Центра профилактической медицины Министерства
здравоохранения, специалиста по эпидемиологической статистике):
И.А. Гундаров, "Демографическая катастрофа в России: причины, механизм,
пути преодоления", М. 2001
И.А. Гундаров, "Пробуждение: пути преодоления демографической катастрофы в
России", М., 2001.
И.А. Гундаров, "Парадоксы российских реформ: уроки исторического идеализма в
графиках и таблицах", М. 1997
И.А. Гундаров, "Почему умирают в России. // Как нам выжить?", М. 1995
Общий вывод делаемый Гундаровым на основе досконального анализа
демографической и эпидемиологической статистики: нищета, алкоголизм
(подстрекаемый государственной социальной политикой) и деградация системы
здравоохранения обуславливают только 20% наблюдаемой сверхсмертности.
Остальные 80% обусловлены психогенными факторами, неприятием людьми того образа
жизни, который им навязывается, реакцией на национальную травлю, травлю их
общественных идеалов и ценностей. "России сказали: умри".
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Не помню, обсуждает ли Гундаров в своих книгах детальные механизмы трансляции
психогенных факторов в развитие заболеваний, но они легко представимы. Медицине
хорошо известны психосоматические заболевания;
подавление или поражение имунной системы в ситуациях стресса и депрессии (что
ведет в свою очередь к развитию заболеваний с которыми ослабленная имунная
система не в состоянии более справиться или автоимунных заболеваний);
влияние стресса и депрессии на развитие сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний и
Одно из недавних научных открытий в этой области:
стресс вызывает разрушение теломеров в ДНК. В одном из проводившихся
исследований, например, наблюдалось, что теломеры в клетках людей находившихся в
ситуации длительного стресса (хронической болезни ребенка в семье) разрушились
до такой степени, что это было эквивалентно
старению клеток их организма на 10-13 лет.
Increasing scientific evidence suggests that
prolonged psychological stress takes its toll on the body, but the exact
mechanisms by which stress influences disease processes have remained elusive.
Now, scientists report that psychological stress may exact its toll, at
least in part, by affecting molecules believed to play a key role in cellular
aging and, possibly, disease development.
In the study, published in the November 30 issue of Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences, the UCSF-led team determined that chronic
stress, and the perception of life stress, each had a significant impact on
three biological factors -- the length of telomeres, the activity of
telomerase, and levels of oxidative stress -- in immune system cells known as
peripheral blood mononucleocytes, in healthy premenopausal women.
Telomeres are DNA-protein complexes that cap the ends of chromosomes and
promote genetic stability. Each time a cell divides, a portion of telomeric
DNA dwindles away, and after many rounds of cell division, so much telomeric
DNA has diminished that the aged cell stops dividing. Thus, telomeres play a
critical role in determining the number of times a cell divides, its health,
and its life span. These factors, in turn, affect the health of the tissues
that cells form. Telomerase is an enzyme that replenishes a portion of
telomeres with each round of cell division, and protects telomeres. Oxidative
stress, which causes DNA damage, has been shown to hasten the shortening of
telomeres in cell culture.
The results of the study -- which involved 58 women, ages 20-50, all of
whom were biological mothers either of a chronically ill child (39 women,
so-called "caregivers") or a healthy child (19 women, or "controls") -- were
As expected, most women who cared for a chronically ill child reported
that they were more stressed than women in the control group, though, as a
group, their biological markers were not different from those of the controls.
However, in one of the study's key findings, the duration of caregiving --
after controlling for the age of the women -- proved critical: The more years
of care giving, the shorter the length of the telomeres, the lower the
telomerase activity, and the greater the oxidative stress.
Moreover, the perception of being stressed correlated in both the
caregiver and control groups with the biological markers. In fact, in the
most stunning result, the telomeres of women with the highest perceived
psychological stress -- across both groups -- had undergone the equivalent of
approximately 10 years of additional aging, compared with the women across
both groups who had the lowest perception of being stressed. The
highest-stress group also had significantly decreased telomerase activity and
higher oxidative stress than the lowest-stress group.
"The results were striking," says co-author Elizabeth Blackburn, PhD,
Morris Herzstein Professor of Biology and Physiology in the Department of
Biochemistry and Biophysics at UCSF. "This is the first evidence that
chronic psychological stress -- and how a person perceives stress -- may damp
down telomerase and have a significant impact on the length of telomeres,
suggesting that stress may modulate the rate of cellular aging."
"Numerous studies have solidly demonstrated a link between chronic
psychological stress and indices of impaired health, including cardiovascular
disease and weakened immune function," says lead author Elissa Epel, PhD, UCSF
assistant professor of psychiatry. "The new findings suggest a cellular
mechanism for how chronic stress may cause premature onset of disease.
Anecdotal evidence and scientific evidence has have suggested that chronic
stress can take years off your life; the implications of this study are that
this is true at the cellular level. Chronic stress appears to have the
potential to shorten the life of cells, at least immune cells."
While it is not yet clear how psychological stress impacts telomeres,
the team suspects stress hormones may play a role.
A next step in the research will be determining if prolonged
psychological stress has an impact on telomeres in other types of cells, such
as cells of the lining of the cardiovascular system.
The scientists also plan to further examine the impact of prolonged
psychological stress on immune system cells, which mount the body's
healing response to wounds, and defenses against illness. When the immune
system needs to rev up, it produces more defense cells, which requires high
levels of the telomerase enzyme, in order to maintain telomere length, thus
allowing for additional rounds of cell division. The current study suggests
that, for people under chronic stress, the telomerase activity of their immune
cells might be impaired.
Идеологическая радиация антирусских СМИ и антирусской государственной
идеологии - убивает.
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Дополнительная ссылка по теме:
Геноцид, определение.