Ne ne ne ne - I am bad at titles.

Dec 05, 2004 00:17

My friends and I attended the AME fair. Like I said in Harusaki.Org, it was nice and I really had fun (although I came home exhausted) I got to witness:

+ Youngsters doing awesome tricks with the yoyo, man they were so great.

+ Cosplayers ramping their way on the stage, my favorite was no.5, I don’t remember the character she was supposed to play, but she had a violet attire paired with big black wings. Man, she was so pretty ^.^ (I voted for her!!) we even took her picture ^^, And who wouldn’t resist but love the little performance the cosplayers of Kadzuki and Jubei did.

+ Various bands singing [ear-splitting] jrock songs from anime soundtracks and artists like L’arc~en~ciel and Dir en Grey. (no Pura….. x_x)

+ And of course, I got to finally meet my blogmates xD kaso nahiya ako >.<

+ I swear, there was this certain guy who dressed like Ryuutarou. He had the shirt, the chains, the shoes, even the way he spoke on the mic. But one thing convinced me that he was not cosplaying Ryuutarou. His hair. ;_; As what Xela said, Ryuutarou is definitely, undoubtedly, much more gorgeous than that.

+ Oh, and a girl cosplayed Toshiya of Dir en Grey, man she was so cool.

+ The night was almost done and we were all fulfilled… if it wasn’t for our great friend >.< Milo, who ‘jumped’ for some random reason, apparently broke the digi cam, thus losing all the wonderful pictures we took of that wondrous event. No lovely memories to show to people. And yes, the picture of the beautiful no. 5 girl was lost, gone to nothingness forever.

[ps] New layout. I know, monochrome, so stop looking at it like that >.< It’s a theme actually, I got it from Sukima Switch. I just love them ^_^

[pps] New layout for Harusaki.Org too, Ameni Utaeba <3

Goodnight. Dream well guys.
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