So yesterday Justin and I took a daytrip to Milan to buy some nice Italian clothes. Funny, quick story: We were in probably the best coat shop in Milan, and Justin had just purchased a 700 euro coat (he came to Milan intending to buy this particular coat, as he'd had it put away for him last time he was there). So we walk out of the store and begin walking to the Duomo when who should walk by but an Italian kid with a can of silly string. I think Justin was about ready to punch the kid in the face, but he exercised good restraint.
And here is the picture of the event:
I bought a number of amazing things, but the best part is that I have a suit beng tailored for me. I just have to go back in a few weeks for the final fitting. It's of the most amazing material I've ever seen, and should be a gorgeous suit once it's finished. Lunch was the best oWe also checked out the Duomo while we were there, which was beautiful, and then had gelato and a great Italian espresso before we headed home. All things told it was a very tiring, and productive, day.
I don't think I've mentioned my trip to Barcelona last weekend. Great trip, amazing architecture, good food, and fantastic music. We saw Buena Vista Social Club live in a tribute to Compay Segundo, danced with the locals, met cool people in the hostel, and I bought a handmade classical spanish guitar. I've been practicing guitar since I got back, and I'm happy to say that I'm actually making some serious progress at playing classical guitar.
Here's a picture of me, Vin, and Justin in Barcelona at a restaurant chilling over some great Sangria:
Well that's about it for now. Lots of studying to do in the next few weeks, but I've got a trip to Cumberland lodge on tuesday, then Toulouse on Friday, and then Dublin for St. Patrick's Day on the following Wednesday. School? Ha, who really goes to school when they're in Europe? (Just kidding, I'm a good student, I swear.) :)