my experiences with energy

Sep 10, 2009 21:56

I've had a lot of energy work done by my neighbor, in class for practice, and also doing it personally on myself. In one session of class, I was the guinea pig for a cellular metabolism correction - basically a really deep correction that gets energy moving at the cellular level by eliminating deep emotional issues. There wasn't, and usually isn't, any talk about a particular traumatic event or anything. You can just start testing for what the body needs most. I had no preconceived notions either. She started testing up for me from our workbook - we have several lists and pages to muscle test from. The words that came up painted a kind picture that she could have no knowledge of: it was a picture of my marriage to Phil, his betrayal, and that whole ride (first confusion, worry, shock, hurt, anger, etc.). I felt the emotions well up in me like they have done so many times in the past, but it wasn't like meeting with a counselor or typing up something in my journal - I felt the emotions in my body but didn't dwell on them, but let them just pass through me (I never talked about it with the class - not a sharing/purging group thing at all). It ended with several affirmative words (or sometimes it ends in actual phrases, like affirmations) that help to replace the negative emotions with positive ones. She tested for the acupressure points to be held and they were held, then instructed my body (through energy - just requesting) to hold those points "as long as needed, as often as needed until completely corrected for". The energy was stuck and not flowing; by definition, holding acupressure points is moving the energy. I then also tested up needing a homeopathic of a bach flower combination to help my body process those emotions without them getting stuck again. Basically, they are drops of mostly water (10% alcohol) of the energy of different herbs - all flowers - that have certain characteristics specific to my energy needs.

After about a month of taking the drops and points being held energetically (of course, it happens without my conscious knowledge), I had no more indigestion. Did you hear that = NO INDIGESTION! That is HUGE for me. Since then, I can eat whatever I want - which is a miracle to me, especially during pregnancy (my last pregnancy I had to have at least one prescription indigestion pill everyday). I have not had that horrible, awful, PAINFUL keeping-me-up-at-night-until-2 am-pushing-my-gut-up-against-a-chair-edge indigestion since then. I remember back to when I started getting indigestion and it began during my marriage to Phil. I was storing all those emotions in my digestive system and it couldn't function properly. The symptoms were my body's way of saying, "Hey, there is a problem. Pay attention and fix this!"... just like pain is suppose to do. So, consciously I had moved on. I was at peace about that time in my life. But my body - it was stuck in time.

OK, so that gives you an idea of what an energy work session is like and the results of it. Now for something a bit more analytical. Ben has a book called "Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma" by Peter Levine. He's had several people, who have worked on him, tell him that the head pain has to do with subconscious traumatic events that he isn't processing and a kind of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). This book describes why emotions from traumatic events get stuck and not processed correctly. A few examples from the book: a deer is crossing a quiet mountain road when a car and its light comes around the bend. It freezes, as is the physical response of our body when faced with trauma, a kind of shock. But adrenaline is pumping through her body. Just in time, she leaps away. We often don't think about the rest of the story, of how the deer, or the gazelle who was just chased by a big cat, will always go into the woods or safe place and shake until that adrenaline is released. Animals always do this because it is instinctual.

Our bodies work the same way in trauma (with emotions mixed in) but we have a choice and sometimes we choose not to "shake" out the adrenaline. Just think of how it feels during a car accident: everything is going in slow motion because your brain and body is working in overtime as adrenaline goes nuts. So what about after the accident, when you are safe - do you feel safe? No, because that event is still in your body - physically. Maybe you have to go have a good cry. Maybe the stress even gets stuck in a strained body part, what we commonly know as whiplash. Point being, the body actually holds memories of traumatic events as a clue to help us "shake" and process them. It doesn't even have to be a huge trauma, just emotions at a time we couldn't deal with it or take it to the Lord fully, i.e. too much stress, not safe, emotion overload, etc. If you want more information from this kind of analytical view, read "The Emotion Code" by Dr. Bradley Nelson. Ben Ashcraft has read the book, attended the seminars to become trained in it, and apparently practices it with some clients. I'm not alone! What I do is a bit different though (I don't use magnets but acupressure points - it's all moving energy though).

OK, so hang in there --> this is the best, most recent experience that happened on Aug. 28th. I woke up feeling a little nauseous and ate breakfast. In 30 minutes, it was bad enough that I was laying in bed and asked Ben to call my neighbor for an emergency foot zone. She was so busy and couldn't, but scheduled me for the next day, a Saturday, as a HUGE favor. But I needed intervention, NOW, because a few minutes later I was on the pot because of a cramp that had developed in my abdomen. Soon I was rocking because this wasn't normal - my whole mid section was one big rock, even my uterus was in one huge cramp with every internal organ. PAIN! Praying, I knew I could do energy work. So I tested up what to use having Ben get out some tinctures, homeopathics, and oils. What came to my mind (which is often the case in energy work - intuition, yes revelation) was that this was due to inflammation as a result of deep emotions that had come up in an energy work session a week before.

Rewind: So, this energy work session tested up emotions from a situation in my childhood, which had long been "dealt" with; I had no conscious problems. But my body did. After instructing those emotions to be released and asking for all to be "shifted to truth and light" (my way of asking the Savior's atonement to heal at this deep level), I was shaky all week - not physically, energetically. It was like I was plugged into an electrical current which buzzed me, a constant static, making it difficult to sleep and even sit reading my scriptures. So not at peace in my body. So, about a week later, unable to process those emotions out of my body, they got stuck.

Back to my crisis: I did some energy work, called a Dr. West Technique involving deep breathing, drinking water, and instructing my body to do certain things (from a constructed affirmation I tested up). Then, I had finally had the impression to get a blessing because it would help the most and it would help the energy work go deeper. Ben got some consecrated oil and his father; a short blessing was given, "to get rid of those things which are weighing you down". Immediately I felt emotions bubbling up - a physical response even. After a minute, I couldn't hold the tears back and I even started sobbing. I couldn't talk, just bawling and shaking for a few minutes. It was just pure emotion. I didn't try to get myself under control, but it did slow down and finally abated ending totally after 5 minutes. The pain was immediately diminished. I went to lay down and the cramp went away as I laid down. So, after laying down all morning, I was able to get up without any pain, though I was exhausted for the rest of the day.

Crazy, huh? When I met with my neighbor the next day, I didn't tell her what had happened, just let her zone me and we talked about whatever. When she got to my liver (remember this is on the feet), she looked up in shock. The lymphatic from the liver was SO CLOGGED. I told her what had happened the day before and she commented that that those emotions had processed from the liver but got stuck in the lymphatic and needed extra help (like a bottleneck). She mentioned then that everything inside was in "chaos" and she had to work slower, deeper, and longer to get it sorted out. No wonder that big constant painful cramp = EVERYTHING WAS INFLAMED. Throughout the zone, different organs were lightly cramping inside. For the next few days, I wasn't my best (even emotionally - what a mess, as things were surfacing) but it is getting better. I'm still not 100%, probably because they were so deep and I'm pregnant (hello - things are so CRAMMED in there), but I'm getting there. I learned the hard way not to forget to test if there is anything needed to help the body process emotions tested up in an energy work session. Be careful, Wendy -->this is powerful stuff. Did you see the connection? Liver + deep degrading emotions = autoimmune hepatitis (body fighting itself).

After one year of experiences like this for me and my family, I am so glad to have taken the energy work classes and starting zoning classes in a few weeks. It'll save us a ton of money but more especially, I'm able to help my family. And soon, I'll be able to help other people feel better. And the bonus, hopefully I can make money working from home.

So, there is a comprehensive look into my experience/knowledge with energy work and why I love it. It is probably something you have to experience to really understand. I feel so much better!!! (Goodbye to anxiety too - that's another story! :)

healing, energy, anxiety, health

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