Here is a run down of my family's activities the last week, most recent first:
Funpark - Gma and Gpa T gave us $50 for Christmas and we finally cashed in! We took the boys to the local FunPark, leaving Daidra to play with her cousin Taylor. They chose to play laser tag and rollerskating. We also had dinner there - pizza! It was a lot of fun, like a date with our boys. They loved being able to shoot at us in laser tag. I've never done that before but it was great. Moses just ran around a lot screaming and chasing whoever. ha ha ha Ethan was much more strategical and got the most points, of course. Ben and I just tried to stay out of their way! Roller skating was a blast too. It was Moses's first time. Though he kept falling down, he kept getting back up and got better and better. Ethan had been on rollerblades off and on for years but never on a rink floor, just on pavement - which is a big difference. So, it took him a bit to get the hang of it after falling down for a bit. We played a lot of games (train, high fives, holding hands, getting dizzy holding hands in the center, etc). I hope they will always rememeber it.
Dr. Astle - Ben has a new doctor, a neurologist that the pain doctor referred him to. He has some treatments Ben has never tried. The Dr. said it is good he has been off meds for so long because it'll be a fresh start for new meds to work right. So, tomorrow he is going into the first of three IV therapy treatments (Mon, Tues, Wed) of anticonvulsant medication (Depacon) to break the headache cycle. Thereafter, he'll probably start new drugs, a combination of preventatives and abortives. Hopefully these things will work (where meds in the past never did). Pray for him!
Pinewood Derby - Ethan had his third and final pinewood derby last Wednesday. This was Ben's first opportunity to help him build his car, as Phil helped him the last two times. Ben did a little, but Ethan did the majority. It was a good experience for them. Unfortunately, Ethan's car came last in every heat. It's so hard to tell how fast they will go and why they arn't going as fast as others. *shrug* It was hard on Ethan though. He's got such a tender heart.
Getting outside - The weather is getting nicer, though the days are still cold sometimes. We really enjoy getting out, all of us. Daidra just started getting use to walking on grass too - which she was cautious about. She's also getting use to the trampoline instead of being so scared. The boys love to go out and play whenever they can, especially getting their crazy energy out on the tramp. Yeah! Ethan likes rollerblading and Moses likes his scooter, though he is trying his bike more and more and getting better with the training wheels. He's grown a lot the last year so he can peddle better. His feet are slightly outturned (R more than L) - which we always knew. Makes it hard when he is peddling or roller skating - like at the FunPark. He's working hard though and getting better. I'm going to encourage Ethan to ride his bike to school again.
Helping with family - Mice in the ceiling! Ben helped clean droppings in the food storage room where they were chewing through foil packets of dry milk (I was at a three hour lab). We've caught two so far. We babysit here and there for Soo's kids. She has kids very close in age to ours and they all are very best friends. We also helped with Garion, as always. Poor guy has such a hard time. For instance, he lost his temper at school (lashed out at a teacher and got physical) so I went to pick him up and we took care of him because Gma and Gpa T were serving in the temple. She wonders if she will have to give up her 2 days a week midday shift to stay home to help him. With us here though, it really isn't necessary. He's not that much trouble at home.