This was stolen really late from
ew_younerd. And I'm also keeping this public so people can see my opinions on fandom if they stumble across this journal.
And now ladies and gents here it is :D ITS THE FANDOM CONFESSIONS MEME :D You list ten (or more if you wish) Unpopular opinions you have about the fandom you are into that you usually do not like coming out right away with!!!
Well, I am a part of a lot of fandoms, and I don't think I really have a favourite at the moment, so I'll do a few, starting with fandom in general.
I) Fandom in General
1) Fandom is not your life. No. It's not. It should be a fun, painless hobby that has no drama and stupidity. You should be able to write about character X doing Y and falling in love with Z and not have to deal with flames like "OMGZ UR TEH ST00PID LOLLRSKATES!" No. You should not be so obsessed with your OTP/character/fandom that you think about it all night long, either. I get sort of sick and tired of endless posts of "I was up last night because I was thinking about X and all the problems he/she/xe has". NO.
2) Fangirls suck. I'm sorry, but they do. I am sick and tired of "OMG KWAAII ^___^ My bishie is soooo kyuute" or "OMG THEY TOUCHED THEY ARE SO HAVING GAY SEX RIGHT NOW". ARRRRRRRRRGH. It makes me want to pull my brain out of my ear.
3) Just because two people have seen each other does not mean that they are in a relationship. Hell, just because they know each other does not mean they are in a relationship. Just because X knows Y through a mutual friend of a friend does not mean that they are stroking each other in the nighttime.
4) Girls are cool. I like girls. Girls are, and should be, a large part of any series or story. Slightly more than half of the world's population are women. I don't care if you think she's an angry bitch who's stealing away "your" or another guy's "bishie"; the author wrote her that way, and you should accept that.
5) Fanboys are freaking awesome. Especially straight slashing fanboys. I know that breed is practically nonexistant, but they are damn cool.
6) Yaoi is highly overrated. I don't think I need to explain this one, but if you want to know you can ask me.
8) Minor characters are cool. I like minor characters. They are actually more fun to write fanfiction about because you can make up more about them.
9) Speaking of fanfiction, actually isn't terrible. We all start there, so I guess I have a slightly soft spot for it. I know it sucks, but it's really not that. It's the writers. If there were better writers, it would be a better place.
10) NOT EVERYBODY IS GAY. No. *pulls out hair*
Oh. And I just realized that's all the time I have for now. I'll update this periodically to have all the fandoms in it.