(no subject)

Apr 13, 2005 17:54

Ah, it feels so nice to have talked to my twin (dinghy -- Fishie, I don't think she'd mind if you LJ-stalked her; she's pretty cool) for the first time in awhile. Quite nice, quite nice. I've missed her.

In any case, I went to Wood River Public Library to work on a school project for Darkness in El Dorado: How Scientists and Journalists Devastated the Amazon by Patrick Tierney. After reading my chapters (read: chapter -- I only read chapter 8 rather than 7 through 9 due to time limits of my day). So basically I now know about how the Yanömami supposedly hated Napoleon Chagnon and a couple other anthropologists (Jacques Lizot) for having done bad things to them and their culture. I hate to say it, but I'd really like to waste time studying this . . . but I'll have to do this at a later time. I'd actually like to read the whole book, but I'll put that on my list and wait.

I've got a horrible paper to write before tomorrow (which I should be working on). It's, yet again, for that awful politics class. Topic? Glad you [didn't] ask:
Is the nonprofit community effective or ineffective in addressing social concerns over time and space, especially as the question pertains to women and family? What social pressures help or hinder the work of nonprofits? What political pressures help or hinder the work of nonprofits?

He expects us to answer all three questions within one sentence. I could do it in . . . two. Sorry, but my combining of topics into one sentence is Not Good.

Am hating the end of the semester. I've got to hit the temp agency to see if there's anything I can do for a month, but I'm gone starting June 3rd.

I'm not sure if I'll have enough time to get to everyone I wanted to (weep!), but if I don't get to you this year . . . I'll be there in 2006. Since I'll be trapped on an island for a year, I'm going to need to see the country (or the one to the north, for the fact that sharya [who shares the same nickname as her journal] is there -- and even if I make it this year, I'm betting I'll want to go back to harass her 'cause she's just that awesome).

Oddly, I still haven't met Lindsay (neverletgo), and she lives within twenty minutes of me. (WHEN, LINDSAY, WHEN~?)
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