(no subject)

Apr 01, 2005 19:02

Am in an odd mood, and I'm not really feeling like making it public. Nor do I feel like writing an entry that would be private or friends only, because I don't enjoy doing that. I like writing everything to be public. I hid things once upon a time, and they still bit me in the ass. If I'm going to talk about them and not post, I'm going to talk to someone. And there are only two people I would wish to converse with about my vague dealings.

I also want to say that the only amusement coming out of April Fool's Day has been LJ's change in their web browser posting. I don't particularly care for April Fool's Day, and I never have. Surprisingly, it's only because pranks are so pitiful. Nothing's new, nothing's original, and nothing really changes. The pranks are poor, and they've all been done before.

Randomly, I really should get my teeth worked on. I just need to know that, when it's done, they'll knock me out. I honestly cannot handle having any work done on my teeth.
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